Journal of Fundamentals of Renewable Energy and Applications

Journal of Fundamentals of Renewable Energy and Applications
Open Access

ISSN: 2090-4541

+44 1300 500008

Biogas from agro-industrial residues, combustion products evaluation by means of the thermodynamic equilibrium analysis approach

International Congress and Expo on Biofuels & Bioenergy

August 25- 27, 2015 Valencia, Spain

Efisio Antonio Scano1,2, Agata Pistis1, Carla Asquer1,Giuliano Saiu2, Claudio Heriot-Watt Tugulu2 and Francesco Floris2

Posters-Accepted Abstracts: J Fundam Renewable Energy Appl

Abstract :

In EU-28 more than 14,000 anaerobic digesters are operating in 2014, providing about 13.5 Mtoe of energy needs. In Italy
in 2013 the biogas production has reached 1815,4 ktoe, while in Sardinia the biogas production is equal to the 4,5 % of the
primary energy source, as highlighted in the last GSE Company report of the 2014. At present, the most common raw materials
fed to the biogas plants are the energy crops (mainly triticosecale, maize silage) mixed with animal manure and sometimes with
agro-industrial residues. However, the energy crops production requires an intensive use of land and occupies the soil potentially
dedicated to the food crops. The use of the agro-industrial residues as a main feedstock for the anaerobic digestion plants can have
a positive return on the process economy. It is also important to consider the environmental impact of the gases emitted during
the biogas combustion. Thus, it is crucial to determine the composition of such gases. In this work, the Chemical Equilibrium/
Applications program (CEA-NASA), treating one set of experimental data, collected by operating with an anaerobic digestion
pilot plant, fed only with agro-industrial residues, was applied. Secondly, an experiment focused on the energy crops replacing
with olives and sheep milk processing residues, was carried out. An energy crops replacement ratio of the 70% was reached.
Moreover, the thermodynamic combustion equilibrium equation for the biogas produced by the different feedstock was derived.
Finally the smoke composition and the conversion factor with several fuel-oxidant ratios were studied and discussed.

Biography :

Agata Pistis is a chemical engineer; she has matured an experience working in a R&D unit of the unique carbon mine in Italy, where her activities were focused on
studying of the thermochemical treatment process and desulphurization of coal. These activities were concluded with obtainment of an European patent. Currently,
she is working in a Technology Park of Sardinia in a Biofuels and Biomass laboratory. She coordinates the start-up activities of a pilot plant scale reactor of the fast
catalytic pyrolysis and fluidized-bed pilot gasifier. Moreover she carries out experiments on a pilot.
