ISSN: 2155-9899
Gilbert Glady
European Bio Immune(G)en Medicine Association, France
Posters & Accepted Abstracts: J Clin Cell Immunol
The concept of translational immunology allows establishing links between data validated by the basic research and their application on a clinical level in human therapy. This concept can show itself of an incredible fertility on the express condition not to remain blocked by the scientifically correct and to agree to open eyes on methods often taxed of nonconventional because using techniques not yet validated by the international community for reasons being most of the time of extra-scientific motives. It is a question here of showing the therapeutic potential of a method called the Bio Immune (G)en MEDicine-in short BI(G)MED-the admitted objective of which is to regulate a large number of disrupted immunegenetic mechanisms and thereby involved in multiple chronic diseases identified within the framework of oncology, allergy, infectiology or still of the internal medicine. To this end the BI(G)MED will primarily use the great regulating potential of mechanisms involved in the RNA-interference, in particular that of the microRNAs, which are going to be used in nanoconcentrations and administered by a sublingual way. The often spectacular results obtained by this kind of treatment allow highlighting the major therapeutic tool represented by the cell-unit and its multiple molecular pathways.
Gilbert Glady has completed his MD at the age of 27 years from Strasbourg University of Medicine and postdoctoral studies from Besançon and Paris-Nord Universities of Medicine. He got expertise in immunology and immunogenetics and also developed interest for alternative medicines. So he became the creator of the BI(G)MED method and director of EBMA, the European association for training the medical profession at the BI(G)MED. He has participated in numerous international congresses in the field of immuno-allergology, infectiology and oncology with posters and oral presentations.