Journal of Physical Chemistry & Biophysics

Journal of Physical Chemistry & Biophysics
Open Access

ISSN: 2161-0398

+44 1478 350008

Basic equations calculate forces, many physical constants, and properties of particles that include masses

International Conference on Physics

June 27-29, 2016 New Orleans, USA

Rob L Allen

Sam Houston State University, USA

Scientific Tracks Abstracts: J Phys Chem Biophys

Abstract :

Orderly progressions of interrelated exponential equations can calculate ratios of forces, particle masses, and numerous physical constants. Many mathematical computations have been simplified. Strong, weak, electromagnetic, and gravitational force relationships are readily and repeatedly derived from exponential expansions of very basic numbers. These fundamental numbers such as the natural logarithm base e, PI, small integers, and PHI from the golden ratio expand in intersecting exponential combinations to produce values that range from gravity pulling on photon quantas to cosmic scale parameters. Also, these progressions of exponentials can simplify calculating a Planck Mass, particle masses, the speed of light, electrical properties, nuclear binding energies, gamma ray emissions, and numerous other constants. For example, one sequence of stair step exponentials provides the speed of light, the hydrogen radius, Planck��?s Constant, and the ratio of a proton mass to an electron mass. Unexpected results included many different relatively simple expansion solutions calculating the enormous strength of electromagnetism compared to gravity. Again, the Universe will be shown to be very fine tuned. Groups of the equations imply that gravity is a very weak residual of a single force that accumulates to make electromagnetism and the strong force. In addition, cold dark matter relationships are derived. Dark energy may be related to gravity exponentials but with a sign change and a repulsion expansion rather than attraction force.

Biography :

Rob L Allen, has pioneered, improved, and developed many scientific systems evaluating radiation and electromagnetic, acoustic, and seismic signals. He has a BS Degree in Computer Science from Stephen F Austin University and has taken numerous extra electronics design and physics courses at Texas Tech and Long Beach State. He managed research groups and computer centers. His major roles were management and allocating large grants from corporations to research groups including Stanford, Berkeley, and Texas A&M. Much of his work has been highly restricted, but he has published 12 papers in reputed journals and presented at many conferences.

