Journal of Molecular Imaging & Dynamics

Journal of Molecular Imaging & Dynamics
Open Access

ISSN: 2155-9937

Audit of the satisfaction of patients at S24 Clinic

4th World Congress on Medical Imaging and Clinical Research

September 03-04, 2018 | London, UK

Ana Matos and Antonio Fernandes

S24 Group, Portugal

Posters & Accepted Abstracts: J Mol Imaging Dynam

Abstract :

Aim: The aim of this study is to audit the satisfaction of the patients concerning the services provided by the clinic, more specifically the waiting time, the professionalism of the doctors and technicians and the information given. Materials & Methods: A questionnaire was distributed among the patients after their visit. The questionnaire was anonymized and after filling the questions, the patient should place them in a box away from the main reception, preventing the personnel from acknowledging if the patient had replied or not. The survey included 14 questions: 1.1 multiple- choice question. 2.2 single-answer questions. 3.10 seven-point Likert-based questions. 4.1 open-answer question. Results: This auditing includes 200 patients for an overall number of 188 questionnaires. However, we could only have access to 188 questionnaires. The average classification given by the patients on the services of the clinic is 5.8 on a seven-point Likertscale. On the call center department the average classification is 5.3 whilst on the clinic, the average is 6.1. Conclusions: We conclude that the S24 Clinic is slightly above the average of patient satisfaction in private clinics and the Portuguese NHS as shown by a study conducted in 2015 by the Department of Health Quality of the DGS (Directorate General of Health). We will take measures to improve our services such as: 1. improve our call center, reducing the waiting time for the operator to answer the call. 2. create an easier way to clarify doubts and/or give information. 3. improve the cordiality of the doctors. We will check again the results after the implementation of this measures.

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