Annals and Essences of Dentistry

Annals and Essences of Dentistry
Open Access

ISSN: 0975-8798, 0976-156X

A survey of cross infection control knowledge attitude and practice among dental students

48th International conference on Prosthodontics & Restorative Dentistry

September 27, 2022 | Webinar

Ujala Waheed

Jinnah Medical and Dental College, Pakistan

Scientific Tracks Abstracts: Ann Essence Dent

Abstract :

Cross infection is the clinical transmission of infectious agents from one individual to another. The objectives of this study were to investigate various infection control methods and amenability with infection control procedures experienced by undergraduate dental students in their clinical years and house officers at Jinnah Medical & Dental College. Studies monitoring infection control practices among students are necessary to assess the efficiency of infection control training. In addition, it facilitates the development of educational programs to Improve adherence to guidelines and reduce injuries. There is a need for further research to evaluate the current knowledge, attitude, and practice of dental students regarding infection control and understand the nature of injuries during dental practice. Moreover, appropriate training should be provided regarding infection control to safeguard patients as well as the well-being of undergraduates to ensure a safer work environment. This initial cross-sectional study will serve as a needs-based assessment for the development of programs and workshops to develop better infection control practices at this institution. Results: In this present study, the majority of the students were well aware of cross infection in the first two years of dental studies whereas the remaining 20% came to know about it in their last two years. Regarding barrier techniques, it was found that (77%) were well aware of all four components of PPE. When enquired whether the students were immunized against hepatitis B 89% had an affirmative response. In our study, there was a low prevalence of needle stick injury (30%). Conclusion: The knowledge about cross-infection was found to be adequate but the application of prevention protocols needs to be emphasized.

Biography :

Ujala Waheed conducted her bachelor’s in dental surgery in 2015 from Jinnah Medical and Dental College in Karachi, Pakistan. After concluding the internship She worked for a year in Pakistan and later on proceeded to Saudi Arabia where she joined a reputable dental clinic to serve patients and gain proficiency.
