Journal of Bone Research

Journal of Bone Research
Open Access

ISSN: 2572-4916

+44 1478 350008


Osteochondroma is AN overgrowth of gristle and bone that happens at the top of the bone close to the expansion plate. Most often, it affects the long bones within the leg, the pelvis, or the scapula. nonmalignant neoplasm is that the most typical noncancerous bone growth. It most frequently happens between ages ten and thirty.

Osteochondroma, also referred to as osteocartilaginous exostosis or plainly exostosis, is the most common benign bone tumor. It can present as solitory osteochondroma or as multiple osteochondromatosis. Osteochondromas usually arise from the metaphysis of long bones, but can occur at other cortical bone metaphyses. The most common sites for these tumors are the distal femur, proximal humerus, and proximal tibia. They can also be in flat bones, such as the ilium and scapula, and rarely affect the spine. It is believed that these non-malignant tumors arise from unusual cartilaginous epiphyseal growth-plate tissue that spreads and grows by endochondral ossification.These tumors may present with a stalk-like structure and are known as pedunculated. Osteochondromas without a stalk are called sessile exostoses

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