Journal of Tourism & Hospitality

Journal of Tourism & Hospitality
Open Access

ISSN: 2167-0269

+44 1300 500008

Research Article - (2023)Volume 12, Issue 1

Visitors Flow and Economic Importance of Kuriftu Resort, Bishoftu East Shewa, Ethiopia

Dereje Chukala*
*Correspondence: Dereje Chukala, Department of Wildlife and Ecotourism Management, University of Wolkite, Wolkite, Ethiopia, Email:

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Tourism is an important component of the service economy and incorporates such services as entertainment, hotels and leisure and also it is an ever expanding service industry with vast growth potential and has therefore become one of the crucial concerns of the nations and international community as a whole. Bishoftu is a small town that is rich in tourism resources and cultural heritage. Among its tourism resources, its several lakes are the relevant. It is a resort town, known for seven crater lakes. Kuriftu resort is one of the places which are visited by local and foreign visitors which are situated in Bishoftu town in Lake Kuriftu. The main data type used in this study was both primary and secondary data. The primary data was collected through questionnaire and face-to-face interview from the sample population through Interviews, and extended personal observations. Whereas secondary data was collected through the researcher have employed published and unpublished sources such as books, journals, magazines, articles and other sources. questionnaires was distributed to office experts, managers/owners those who are involve in the resort such as accommodation, and local communities employed in the resorts. For interview, the researcher was employed random sampling and purposive method of sampling. As the result of interview made with visitors low level of infrastructure, lack of trained man power in the resorts, political instability of the country, and the like are challenges which faced by the visitors during their journey to kuriftu.


Economic importance; Kurufitu resort; Visitor flow


Tourism encompasses the activities of persons travelling to and staying in places outside their usual environment for not more than one consecutive year for leisure, business and other purposes. It is a promising income-generating business venture and alternative option for developing the livelihood of the rural community since it does not require year’s long vocational trainings [1]. In developing countries tourism or ecotourism has become one of the economic sectors that generates significant income and at the same time conserves the environment especially in protected areas [2]. Intuitively, tourism could be considered a valuable development opportunity for Ethiopia. Tourism can provide work opportunities; support the establishment of small, medium and large enterprises; lead to skills development in tourism and support services; contribute to rural development; improve infrastructure; and ultimately contribute to the government’s coffers.

Tourism can be a powerful stimulant for economic growth and development. Tourism development renders various economic sociocultural and environmental changes on the host community’s life, some more beneficial than others [3]. Tourism is widely perceived as an economic development tool for the local community, providing factors that may improve quality of life such as employment and investments opportunities, tax revenues, accommodation services, natural and cultural attractions, festivals, and outdoor recreation opportunities. Thus, the participation and support of local residents is imperative for the sustainability of the tourism industry at any destination [4].

The Lakes and resort in Bishoftu, East Shewa, Ethiopia, which are existed in Bishoftu town, have high potential for natural and cultural tourist attraction and different economic values for the town as well as for the country at large. Effective flow of visitors in kuriftu resort is widely recognized as crucial for sustainable economic growth and poverty reduction in local community. Lakes in Kurift resort are the most important ecosystems contributing to the national and local economies by producing a wide range of goods and services. In addition, recreational and aesthetic benefits are some importance of lakes. However, lot of problems are encountered to the lakes which includes excessive influx of sediments, entry of diffused source nutrients, improper utilization of storm water combined with over abstraction and over-exploitation of lake. In order to control or minimize the above problems of kuriftu lakes, protection and conservation programs are required. Diverse flora and fauna, endemic bird and plant species are existed. Even if lake ecosystems have high economic value, currently they are deteriorated by human activities.

Materials and Methods

Description of the study area

Kuriftu resort is found at bishoftu town, lying south east of Addis Ababa and the resort is 3.7 km far from hora lake recreation area and 4.5 km from Debre Zeyit market and the nearest major airport is Addis Ababa. The kuriftu water park is east Africans largest water park and Ethiopia’s first. Boasting over 30,000 square meters of fun while featuring a wide range of activities, such as: boomerang slide, triple spiral slide, 2 water houses, wave pool with a performance stage, fekat circus and a food court. Kuriftu resort is accessible with amenities accessibility breakfast services complimentary breakfast, business center on site, meeting room wedding, fitness facilities [5].

Sampling design and sample size

Determination the accurate information about the given population was obtained from concerned study; Adjacent to be and knowledge to contribute to the overall research objectives. Based on time and budget 40 respondents were selected purposefully which encompass elders of village, female association, local youth, local leaders, tourism offers, hotel managers and other stakeholders and 300 visitors were interviewed.

The main data type used in this study was both primary and secondary data. The primary data was collected through questionnaire and face-to-face interview from the sample population through Interviews and extended personal observations. Whereas secondary data was collected through the researcher have employed published and Un published sources such as books, journals, magazines, articles and other sources questionnaires was distributed office experts, managers/owners those who are involve in the resort such as accommodation, and local communities employed in the resorts [6-9]. Open- ended questions was incorporated to give a freedom to respondents to forward their opinions regarding the level of awareness of host communities for visitors flow, potentials, challenges and opportunities of the area. Questionnaires were prepared in English and it will be asked both in Amharic and Oromic languages according to the interviewer/respondents skills. The collected data was analyzed by using different descriptive statistical tests and Microsoft Excel. The study was interpreted based on the survey questionnaire, interview and filed observation. The data was analyzed by using simple descriptive statistics such as mean percentage and the data are presented on tables, charts, picture and percentage also further represented by using graphs and other diagram in order to analyze more information about this study.

Results and Discussion

Demographic characteristics of respondents

Among the total respondents (340) respondents 138(40.6%) are female while the rest 202(59.4%) are male. Therefore, the most respondents replied were male (Figure 1).


Figure 1: The map of Sifnos and its geographical location in Greece. Equation

Regarding to age of the respondents, of the total respondents 20% are settled 18-25 years, 40% are settled 26-33 years, 22.5% are settled 34-41 years and 17.5% are settled 42-49 years [10]. The researcher understands that most of the respondents are younger’s as shown in Figure 2. Therefore based on this information gathered from the research area the researcher concludes that most of the respondents were as single (Figure 3). Whereas the rest 78.44% were literate. Among the literate respondents 27.45% of respondents were college diploma, 45.09% of the respondents were bachelor degree and the rest 5.88% of them were MSc degree (Figure 4).


Figure 2: Regarding to educational level most of the respondents is literate.Equation


Figure 3: Regarding to marital status 18 respondents is married and 22 of them are single. Equation


Figure 4: According to educational status from the total respondents 21.56% of the respondents were illiterate whereas the rest 78.44% were literate.Equation

The researcher made interview with 51 persons and 27 of them are visitors. Which means 52.94 percent’s of the whole respondent are visitors, 41.18 percent covers worker and 4.88 percent of the whole respondent cover stuff/ manger (Figures 5 and 6). As showed in the above pie chart 16 of 27 respondent answered they are not satisfied with the service given in kuriftu resort. They rise as different challenges in the resort such as; Expressiveness of payment is one challenge they raise as a main point (Figure 7). As the chart above shows most of visitors respond that service given in kuriftu resort high and they are not satisfied with it and these results unhappiness of visitors with the service given in kuriftu resort. The researcher concludes based on the response of visitors that service given in the resort decrease and their payment increase from time to time [11-13].


Figure 5: Visitor’s attitude regarding to satisfaction on service rendered in kuriftu resort. Equation


Figure 6: To identify the attitude or satisfaction of the visitors with the service given in the kuriftu resort or not the researcher made interview with them.Equation


Figure 7: According the interview made with visitors, most of visitors are not satisfied with the service given in kuriftu resort.Equation

Economic importance’s of Kuriftu resort to Bishoftu town

Tourism has many significant roles in the economy. It contributes to foreign exchange earnings, generates income and worldwide jobs generated; it has favorable impact on capital investments, can improve economic structure and encourage small business, particularly kuriftu resort is one the place where tourists flows in order to visit. This is important economically in that it provides a sources of income and important in generating job opportunities for the Bishoftu town as well local community of the surroundings [14]. Expenditure by foreign tourists within a Kuriftu resorts is an external sources of income and forms of an invisible and circular flow of income in Bishoftu town. For a number of countries tourism is the largest commodity in international trade and earner of foreign exchange. Particularly for many developing countries, international tourism is a main sources of foreign exchange, which can be used to import capital good and reducing the deficit in the balance of payment so, as the fact many foreign tourists come to the kuriftu resort and these is economically important to get foreign currency which is very important to the Bishoftu town in particular as well as the country in general.

The result of interview made with manager shows that most of the visitor comes to kuriftu resort are foreigner which develop sources of foreign exchange of the country as well as bishoftu town since there are a lot of expenditures made by visitors during their journey to the resort as well as during their stay in the area. As well as in addition to generating income, Kuriftu resort creates employment. This means it paves way for fresh employment. The tourist industry is a labour intensive industry and so is a valuable source of employment. It employees a wide range of people of Bishoftu town and provide a wide range of jobs which extend from unskilled to the highly specialized [15].

The result of interview made with manager shows that most of the visitor comes to kuriftu resort are foreigner which develop sources of foreign exchange of the country as well as bishoftu town since there are a lot of expenditures made by visitors during their journey to the resort as well as during their stay in the area. As well as in addition to generating income, Kuriftu resort creates employment. This means it paves way for fresh employment. The tourist industry is a labour intensive industry and so is a valuable source of employment. It employees a wide range of people of Bishoftu town and provide a wide range of jobs which extend from unskilled to the highly specialized [15].

Tourist flow and income generated from tourism at Bishoftu (kuriftu resort)

Even if there is not any magnificent economic activity in Bishoftu town, tourism is the one which is hopeful in the future .Currently, it creates direct employment opportunity for 21 youths in guiding,13 persons giving boat transportation service,123 youths in souvenir vender,7 camera mans and 7 cultural music players (Table 1).

Month No. of local  tourists Income generated from  local tourists Foreign tourists Income generated foreign from tourists
July 3767 14665 767 11035
August 3662 12294 980 16015
September 2568 12070 1220 19870
October 1889 7136 1146 21230
November 2231 8959 1033 18110
December 1681 7263 1237 21435
January 1662 7866 1630 28750
February 2063 7597 1276 21990
March 1150 3683 890 15510
April 1237 4567 798 14310
May 1872 6568 417 5115
June 2500 7430 396 6280

Table 1: Monthly arrival of tourists at Bishoftu (kuriftu resort) for the year 2019/20.


Nowadays tourism is one of the few leading businesses in the world. In many of the less developed nations tourism plays a vital role as a source foreign currency and even in many developed nations its contribution to the economy is considerable. The Lakes and resort in Bishoftu, East Shewa, Ethiopia, which are existed in Bishoftu town, have high potential for natural and cultural tourist attraction and different economic values for the town as well as for the country at large. Effective flow of visitors in kuriftu resort is widely recognized as crucial for sustainable economic growth and poverty reduction in local community. Lakes in Kurift resort are the most important ecosystems contributing to the national and local economies by producing a wide range of goods and services. Bishoftu is a small city that is rich in flora, fauna and cultural heritage. Among its tourism resources, its several lakes are the relevant. It is a resort town, known for five crater lakes. Also Bishoftu endeavors many specious of water birds. Culturally, there are festivals celebrated in the city. Both the cultural and natural resources are relevant in the development of ecotourism in the city.


Author Info

Dereje Chukala*
Department of Wildlife and Ecotourism Management, University of Wolkite, Wolkite, Ethiopia

Citation: Chukala D (2023) Visitors Flow and Economic Importance of Kuriftu Resort, Bishoftu East Shewa, Ethiopia. J Tourism Hospit.12: 510.

Received: 12-Dec-2022, Manuscript No. JTH-22-20783; Editor assigned: 15-Dec-2022, Pre QC No. JTH-22-20783; Reviewed: 29-Dec-2022, QC No. JTH-22-20783; Revised: 05-Jan-2023, Manuscript No. JTH-22-20783; Published: 12-Jan-2023 , DOI: 10.35248/2167-0269.23.12.510

Copyright: © 2023 Chukala D. This is an open-access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original author and source are credited.
