Journal of Clinical and Experimental Ophthalmology

Journal of Clinical and Experimental Ophthalmology
Open Access

ISSN: 2155-9570

Case Report - (2015) Volume 6, Issue 1

Outcome of Refractive IOL Exchange in Traumatic Unilateral Axial Myopia

Niraj Agrawal*, Nimmi Rani, Aravind Haripriya and Puja Bhuwania
Aravind Eye Hospital, Madurai, India
*Corresponding Author: Niraj Agrawal, Aravind Eye Hospital 1, Anna Nagar Madurai 625020, India, Tel: 91-452- 4356100, Fax: 91-452-2530984 Email:


Ocular trauma occurring in childhood, adolescence or young adulthood causes unilateral increase in Axial Length (AL). Besides this, paediatric cataract surgery especially for traumatic cataract, in contrast to developmental cataract causes accelerated increase in AL [1]. Altered scleral rigidity following trauma and ocular surgery could be a possible cause for this. Periodical reviews targeting emmetropia at every stage should be emphasized to prevent amblyopia to set in. We report two pseudophakic cases with differing sequence of events managed optimally with Intra Ocular Lens (IOL) exchange after stabilization of their refractive status.

Case 1

An 8 years old child presented in 2003 with the complaint of defective vision in right eye (RE) following a penetrating ocular injury two weeks back. He had undergone RE corneal tear repair under general anaesthesia elsewhere. Anterior segment examination of the RE showed sutured corneal tear, irregular pupil with multiple posterior synechiae and total traumatic cataractous lens with anterior lens capsule tear. Extra ocular movements were normal in RE. B-scan of RE was normal with no evidence of retinochoroidal detachment or any intraocular foreign body. He underwent uneventful small incision cataract surgery with implantation of three pieces rigid Polymethylmethacrylate (PMMA) IOL+22.0D (B3602 Aurolab).

The visual acuity, Intra Ocular Pressure (IOP), AL and keratometry values for preoperative & follow visits are tabulated (Table 1). At 6 months; RE vision dropped to 6/36 due to thick posterior capsular opacification. Post ND-YAG laser, his vision improved to 6/9 and was under regular review with stable refraction till 2008. On subsequent follow-up visits, there was a gradual deterioration of vision and increase in AL (Table 1).

Visit Eye Refraction IOP (mm Hg) AL (mm) Keratometry
UCVA BCVA Refractive error
Preoperative RE PL+ PL+ NA RE=12 LE=14 RE=23.20 LE=23.00 RE : Irregular mires due to sutured corneal tear LE :  K1=42.50D @180° K2=43.50D @90°
1& 3 months RE 6/12 6/9 Cylinder=-0.75D @15° RE=17 LE=15 NR NR
2004     (6 months post ND YAG Laser) RE 6/12P 6/9 Cylinder=- 0.75D @15° RE=18 LE=15 NR NR
2006 RE 6/12 6/9 Cylinder=- 0.75D @15° RE=18 LE=14 RE=23.22 LE=23.18 RE : K1= 42.50D @150° K2= 42.00D @60° LE : K1= 42.25D @180° K2= 42.75D @90°
2007 -2008 No change in refraction &  AL
2009 RE 6/24 6/12 Sphere    = - 0.75 D Cylinder  = - 0.5@180° RE = 10 LE = 12 NR NR
2010 RE 6/60 6/12 Sphere    = -1.5 D Cylinder = - 0.5D @ 180° RE = 19 LE = 16 NR NR
2011 RE 5/60 6/9 Sphere =  -5.50D Cylinder= -1D @30° RE = 14 LE = 14 RE=25.82 LE=23.20 RE : K1= 42.83D @163° K2= 43.16D @73° LE : K1= 42.08D @5° K2=43.05D @95°
2012* RE 5/60 6/9 Sphere = -9.00Cylinder  = -0.75D @ 30° RE = 28 LE = 14 RE=26.29 LE=23.20 RE : K1= 42.83D @163° K2= 43.16D @73° LE : K1= 42.08D @5° K2=43.05D @95°
2013* RE 5/60 6/9 Sphere = -9.00D Cylinder   = - 1D @ 30° RE = 14 LE = 16 RE=26.29 LE=23.20 RE : K1= 42.83D @163° K2= 43.16D @73° LE : K1= 42.08D @5° K2=43.05D @95°
2013(1 month post IOL exchange) RE 6/18 6/9  Cylinder =-1.0D @180° RE = 18 LE = 12 NR NR

UCVA, Uncorrected visual acuity ; BCVA, Best corrected visual acuity; PL, Perception of light ; IOP, Intraocular pressure; AL, Axial length; NA , Not applicable ; NR, Not recorded ; RE, Right eye ; LE, Left eye; IOL, Intra ocular lens, ND YAG , Neodymium  Yttrium -Aluminum-Garnet. * The IOP, refractive status  was stable for 1 year ;  AL and keratometry readings in 2012&2013 were same

Table 1: Case 1-Preoperative and postoperative details.

Antiglaucoma medication was started in 2012 due to raised IOP (28 mmHg, gonioscopy-360° peripheral anterior synechiae). Fundus examination revealed a pink disc with cup disc ratio of 0.45 and myopic crescent. Foveal reflex was normal with no break/degeneration in periphery (Figure 2a). Optical coherence tomography showed normal macula with reduced choroidal thickness (Figure 2b). An IOL exchange (three piece rigid PMMA IOL + 13.5D ;B3602 Aurolab) was done (Figure 1a and b) for severe refractive error and intolerance to spectacles and contact lens. At 1year follow-up his refraction and IOP was stable.


Figure 1: (a) Slit lamp image of case 1 before IOL exchange; (b) after IOL exchange.


Figure 2: (a) Case 1: Fundus image; (b) OCT picture.

Case 2

23 years male had history of blunt trauma at the age of 6 years and denied for cataract surgery. He underwent cataract surgery at 14 years elsewhere with reasonably good visual gain. Patient history revealed stable refraction for a few years, after which it gradually deteriorated. He presented to us in 2013 with the complaint of progressively decreasing vision in RE. (Table 2) He underwent IOL exchange with implantation of three pieces rigid PMMA IOL+16.5D (B3602 Aurolab) under guarded visual prognosis due to possible pre-existing amblyopia. Follow-up at 6 months showed a stable refraction.

Visit Eye Refraction A-Scan Slit lamp examination
UCVA BCVA Refractive error
Old medical records    (At 6 years) RE 6/12P 6/9P Not known RE=22.50mm LE=22.75mm Not available
Old medical records  (At 14 years) RE 6/18P 6/18P Not known RE=23.10mm LE=22.74mm
2013 RE 4/60 6/18 Sphere=- 5.50D Cylinder=- 1.5D @ 10°    RE=25.11mm LE=22.62mm RE:K1=42.5 D @ 140° K2=43.75D @ 50° Anterior segment : Linear scar in cornea, irregular pupil with traumatic mydriasis and a PCIOL in sulcus. Ocular movement : Normal RE=Corneal reflex exotropia  >10° Gonioscopy : RE - Angle recession IOP : RE=16 &LE=18 Posterior segment :Normal
1month (Post IOL exchange) RE 6/24 6/18 Cylinder =- 1.25 D @ 10° NR

UCVA, Uncorrected visual acuity; BCVA, Best corrected visual acuity; IOP, Intraocular pressure ; PCIOL, Posterior chamber Intraocular lens ; RE, Right eye ; LE , Left eye ;IOL, Intra ocular lens; NR, Not recorded

Table 2: Case 2–Preoperative and postoperative details.


Ocular traumatic insult, whether penetrating or blunt, with or without prolonged visual deprivation causes ipsilateral unilateral elongation of the eyeball [1].

This abnormal unilateral increase in AL is attributable to multiple factors including altered scleral rigidity with errors in ultramicroscopic arrangement and growth of scleral fibres, increase in IOP and ocular surgeries [2,3]. According to a theory, reduction in quality of retinal image also plays a role in this abnormal increase in AL, as growth of the eyeball depends on certain growth factors and the generation of these growth factors depends upon good quality retinal image [3].

Earlier the age at which trauma occurs more pronounced is the increase in AL.4 Additionally, penetrating trauma causes more pronounced increase in AL as compared to blunt trauma. Similarly, more the time interval between trauma and surgery for a visually significant cataract, more the chance of abnormal increase in AL [4]. In both cases there was a significant increase in AL over a period.

Stimulus deprivation amblyopia is also a concern in such cases of ocular trauma due to a corneal scar and/or cataract [5]. Under correction in these cases led to residual hyperopia to counter the myopic shift which is highly amblyogenic. Additionally, non-compliance with spectacles and the unstable refraction due to myopic shift in the post-operative period aggravates the amblyopia. Frequent reviews and timely, prompt intervention is a must to ensure optimal visual outcome.

Keratorefractive surgeries and IOL exchange are options for such patients after their refractive status stabilizes to treat the residual refractive error. Between these two options, IOL exchange scores above keratorefractive [(Laser-Assisted in situ Keratomileusis (LASIK), Photorefractive keratectomy (PRK)] surgeries as majority of these traumatic cases are associated with corneal scar due to trauma and/or corneal tear suturing. In the first case, regular follow up and timely intervention produced good visual outcome after IOL exchange. The delayed presentation of second case led to ambylopia, resulting in limited visual recovery.

In conclusion our case report showed a significant increase in AL following trauma and highlights the importance of preventing amblyopia in traumatic cataract cases by aiming for emmetropia at every stage. The residual refractive error can be managed reasonably well with IOL exchange, even years after the primary surgery.


  1. Sorkin JA, Lambert SR (1997) Longitudinal changes in axial length in pseudophakic children. J Cataract refract Surg 23: 1:624-628.
  2. Phillips JR, McBrien NA (1995) Form deprivation myopia: elastic properties of sclera. Ophthalmic Physiol Opt 15: 357-362.
  3. Kora Y, Shimizu K, Inatomi M, et al. (1993) Eye growth after cataract extraction and intraocular lens implantation in children. Ophthalmic Surg 24: 467-475.
  4. Enyedi LB, Peterseim MW, Freedman SF, Buckley EG (1998) Refractive changes after pediatric intraocular lens implantation. Am J Ophthalmol 126:772–81.
  5. Vanathi M, Tandon R, Titiyal JS, Titiyal JS, Vajpayee RS, et al. (2002) Case series of 12 children with progressive axial myopia following unilateral cataract extraction. J AAPOS4:228-232.
Citation: Agrawal N, Rani N, Haripriya A, Bhuwania P (2014) Outcome of Refractive IOL Exchange in Traumatic Unilateral Axial Myopia. J Clin Exp Ophthalmol 5:385.

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