Journal of Yoga & Physical Therapy

Journal of Yoga & Physical Therapy
Open Access

ISSN: 2157-7595

+44 1478 350008

Short Commentry - (2020)Volume 10, Issue 2

Aqua Yoga Asanas

Jacob Kelvin*
*Correspondence: Jacob Kelvin, Department of physical therapy, Autonomous University of Ciudad Juarez, Mexico, Email:

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Yoga is universally believed ancient structure of philosophical understood and perpetual source of innate knowledge terminating in the direct practice of self-amidst ostensible plurality. Yoga essentially works at three parts that include mental, physical and spiritual health. It is safe and simple enthusiastic method. Regular practice of Yoga boosts, refreshes and rediscovers one’s true self. As per the present-day setup physical exercise is given priority to continue fitness; mental health is given next priority and minimum priority to spiritual health. Continuing harmony of physical, mental and spiritual health's are to be measured. Practicing yoga asanas help in corporeal fitness by increasing basic metabolic rate and achieves purification of body and mind. With this development body and mind are thrilled with spiritual absorption. Modified asanas make committed them simple and apt to all. Practicing asanas helps in mobility of joints and continue the suppleness of muscles to help physical mobility. Practicing aqua yoga asanas, a unique working out technique, can be implemented by all swimmers for upgraded lung capacity, balance, flexibility andstamina.


Yoga is universally believed ancient structure of philosophical understood and perpetual source of innate knowledge terminating in the direct practice of self-amidst ostensible plurality. Yoga essentially works at three parts that include mental, physical and spiritual health. It is safe and simple enthusiastic method. Regular practice of Yoga boosts, refreshes and rediscovers one’s true self. As per the present-day setup physical exercise is given priority to continue fitness; mental health is given next priority and minimum priority to spiritual health. Continuing harmony of physical, mental and spiritual health's are to be measured. Practicing yoga asanas help in corporeal fitness by increasing basic metabolic rate and achieves purification of body and mind. With this development body and mind are thrilled with spiritual absorption. Modified asanas make committed them simple and apt to all. Practicing asanas helps in mobility of joints and continue the suppleness of muscles to help physical mobility. Practicing aqua yoga asanas, a unique working out technique, can be implemented by all swimmers for upgraded lung capacity, balance, flexibility andstamina.


Various advantages of aqua yoga asanas can be known

Technique of aqua yoga asana practise

This primary essential make swimmer to develop practice to balance or place the centre of buoyancy and centre of gravity nearer. A swimming pool of depth varying from 4-10 feet was designated as the place for yoga asanas practise. The yoga asana is worked by severe the asana and practised in surface waters before touching to the deeper waters. Aqua yoga asana practise kinds it unique as it is easy to make the asana in water since body weight is no more a burden in water and an additional benefit of practising asana can be obtained. Few asanas like Supta padma, supta gomukha, markata, supta matsyendriya, supta baddha kona, pavan mukta, supta vajra, shava, matsya etc are asanas done lying on the back or free on water. In the final situation the person has to balance the limbs shorn of any flotation, lying on back and reciting the same on the other side to complete one set of asanas. Above mentioned asanas can be done breathing ordinarily through nose and without holding of breath. Other asanas like tada, anjaneya, veerabhadra, pranamasa are done while breathe out with mouth and dipping in water to take final site of respective asanas as mentioned above. A push is reserved to come above water to breathe in with mouth and same is remain to repeat the Asanas. Steady increase in reiterations would increase the stamina and lung size to hold the breath and embrace the asana in final position. Asanas like adhomukha padma, adhomukha vriksha is to be performed after complete groan. In above stated asanas head, neck and thorax are to be taken beneath water and lower limbs are placed to the surface of water. In performing such asanas bahya kumbhaka (holding breath after groan and before next breath) is to be synchronised to broad the asanas.


To perform asanas moving on water either in prone and prone position can be attained by holding air in lungs that helps body float. While undertaking antar kumbaka, lungs hold air and upper part/thorax is additional buoyant. When asanas where head, neck and thorax are placed upside down, like adhomukha vrikshasan, after complete groan is done to make thorax area less buoyant by breathe out air and keeping lungs with minimum air. Thus, thorax part travels with easy to reach deep inside water; unlike the minute lungs are filled with air. Thus, depending on the final situations of yoga asanas, breath is seized after inspiration, during or after groan to maintain balance during the final situation of respective asanas. Thus, after practising asanas for a passé of 3 following months, yoga asanas are performed with ease in water with upgraded flexibility and lung capacity. Practise of aqua yoga asanas expressly for age group above 35-40 years would avoid broadening discomfort while doing asana and tiresomeness due to changes in joints and muscle elasticity.


Aqua yoga Asanas practice is a pioneering exercising technique that can be implemented by swimmers of any age group, body proportion, to improve elasticity of muscles and joint motion, lung capacity, water balance and a unique way of working out. Aqua yoga Asanas were practiced in a swimming pool of depth varying from 4-10 feet for 3 successive months without any prior practice of yoga Asanas. Thus, yoga Asanas that are made regularly on floor can be tried horizontally and in deep water which balance benefits of Yoga and hydrotherapy/aquatic exercise therapy.

Author Info

Jacob Kelvin*
Department of physical therapy, Autonomous University of Ciudad Juarez, Mexico

Citation: Kelvin J, (2020), Aqua Yoga Asanas. Doi: 10.35248/2157-7595.2020.10.304

Received: 16-Jul-2020 Accepted: 17-Jul-2020 Published: 24-Jul-2020 , DOI: 10.35248/2157-7595.2020.10.304

Copyright: © 2020 Kelvin J.This is an open access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License, which permits unrestricted use, distribution and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited
