Immunome Research

Immunome Research
Open Access

ISSN: 1745-7580

Immunome Research : Citations & Metrics Report

Articles published in Immunome Research have been cited by esteemed scholars and scientists all around the world. Immunome Research has got h-index 15, which means every article in Immunome Research has got 15 average citations.

Following are the list of articles that have cited the articles published in Immunome Research.

  2021 2020 2019 2018

Year wise published articles

40 13 7 20

Year wise citations received

111 109 84 74
Journal total citations count 817
Journal impact factor 9.00
Journal 5 years impact factor 10.13
Journal cite score 13.75
Journal h-index 15
Journal h-index since 2018 13
Important citations (1540)

coppieters kt, von herrath mg (2014) metabolic syndrome–removing roadblocks to therapy: antigenic immunotherapies. molecular metabolism 3: 275-283.

bob p. vìdomí, mozek a stres (2014) psychoterapie.:89.vÄšdomí, mozek a stres : 89–106

liu g, zhang j, frey l, gang x, wu k (2017) prostate-specific il-6 transgene autonomously induce prostate neoplasm through amplifying inflammation in the prostate and peri-prostatic adipose tissue. journal of hematology & oncology 10 : 14.

gupta s, kumudnigam ml, mahdi aa. the interleukin-6-174 g/c and 572 g/c promoter polymorphism associated with high risk of oral pre cancer and cancer in north indian population.

chan ta (2014) targeting master regulators of the breast cancer metastasis transcriptome. sloan-kettering inst for cancer research new york .

kyei s, koffuor ga, ramkissoon p, ameyaw eo, asiamah ea (2016) anti-inflammatory effect of heliotropium indicum linn on lipopolysaccharide-induced uveitis in new zealand white rabbits. international journal of ophthalmology 9:528

walser ap, park sj, yanagawa ap, dubinett sm (2015) inflammation and lung cancer: the role of epithelial–mesenchymal transition. ininflammation and lung cancer 2015. springer new york (pp. 23-68)

zhao k, xu j, tian h (2016) correlation analysis between an il-6 genetic polymorphism and non-small cell lung cancer prognosis. genetics and molecular research: gmr 15.

litvan j, aghazarian m, wiley e, guleria s, dudek az (2014) primary peritoneal angiosarcoma: a case report. anticancer research 34: 5001-5006.

qi y, zhao c, li h, zhang b, tada k (2016) genetic variations in interleukin-6 polymorphism and the association with susceptibility and overall survival of osteosarcoma. tumor biology 37: 9807-9811.

singh pk, chandra g, bogra j, gupta r, kumar v et al (2015) association of interleukin-6 genetic polymorphisms with risk of oscc in indian population. meta gene 4: 142-151.

liikanen i. combining oncolytic immunotherapy with conventional cancer treatments (doctoral dissertation, university of helsinki).

flepisi tb. biomarkers of hiv associated malignancies and of drug interaction between anti-retrovirals (arvs) and chemotherapy (doctoral dissertation, stellenbosch: stellenbosch university).

kotowicz b, fuksiewicz m, jonska-gmyrek j, bidzinski m, kowalska m (2016) the assessment of the prognostic value of tumor markers and cytokines as sccag, cyfra 21.1, il-6, vegf and stnf receptors in patients with squamous cell cervical cancer, particularly with early stage of the disease. tumor biology 37: 1271-1278.

iglesias p, pedro-botet j, arrieta f, aguilar m (2015) clinical significance of the new cardiovascular risk markers in diabetes mellitus. current diabetes reviews 11: 273-820.

zhang y, ma q, liu t, guan g, zhang k (2016) interleukin-6 suppression reduces tumour self-seeding by circulating tumour cells in a human osteosarcoma nude mouse model. oncotarget 7(1): 446.

hohenforst-schmidt w, zarogoulidis p, pitsiou g, linsmeier b, tsavlis d et al (2016) drug eluting stents for malignant airway obstruction: a critical review of the literature. journal of cancer 7: 377.

schwingshackl a, teng b, makena p, ghosh m, sinclair se et al (2014) deficiency of the two-pore-domain potassium (k2p) channel trek-1 promotes hyperoxia-induced lung injury. critical care medicine 42: e692.

jia w, fei gh, hu jg, hu xw (2015) a study on the effect of il-6 gene polymorphism on the prognosis of non-small-cell lung cancer. oncotargets and therapy 8: 2699.

liikanen i, koski a, merisalo-soikkeli m, hemminki o, oksanen m (2015) serum hmgb1 is a predictive and prognostic biomarker for oncolytic immunotherapy. oncoimmunology 4: e989771.
