Immunome Research

Immunome Research
Open Access

ISSN: 1745-7580

Immunome Research : Citations & Metrics Report

Articles published in Immunome Research have been cited by esteemed scholars and scientists all around the world. Immunome Research has got h-index 15, which means every article in Immunome Research has got 15 average citations.

Following are the list of articles that have cited the articles published in Immunome Research.

  2021 2020 2019 2018

Year wise published articles

40 13 7 20

Year wise citations received

111 109 84 74
Journal total citations count 817
Journal impact factor 9.00
Journal 5 years impact factor 10.13
Journal cite score 13.75
Journal h-index 15
Journal h-index since 2018 13
Important citations (1540)

nazarov vi, pogorelyy mv, komech ea, zvyagin iv, bolotin da et al (2015) tcr: an r package for t cell receptor repertoire advanced data analysis. bmc bioinformatics 16: 175.

lefranc mp, ehrenmann f, ginestoux c, giudicelli v, duroux p (2012) use of imgt® databases and tools for antibody engineering and humanization. antibody engineering: methods and protocols, second edition 3-7.

shirai h, prades c, vita r, marcatili p, popovic b et al (2014) antibody informatics for drug discovery. biochimica et biophysica acta (bba)-proteins and proteomics 1844: 2002-2015.

prabakaran p, zhu z, chen w, gong r, feng y et al (2012) origin, diversity, and maturation of human antiviral antibodies analyzed by high-throughput sequencing. frontiers in microbiology 3: 277.

sundling c, zhang z, phad ge, sheng z, wang y et al (2014) single-cell and deep sequencing of igg-switched macaque b cells reveal a diverse ig repertoire following immunization. the journal of immunology 192: 3637-3644

giraud m, salson m, duez m, villenet c, quief s et al (2014) fast multiclonal clusterization of v (d) j recombinations from high-throughput sequencing. bmc genomics 15: 409.

vander heiden ja, yaari g, uduman m, stern jn, o’connor kc et al (2014) presto: a toolkit for processing high-throughput sequencing raw reads of lymphocyte receptor repertoires. bioinformatics btu138.

tan yc, kongpachith s, blum lk, ju ch, lahey lj et al (2014) barcode‐enabled sequencing of plasmablast antibody repertoires in rheumatoid arthritis. arthritis & rheumatology 66: 2706-2715.

loeffler m, kreuz m, haake a, hasenclever d, trautmann h et al (2015) genomic and epigenomic co-evolution in follicular lymphomas. leukemia 29: 456-463.

baum pd, venturi v, price da (2012) wrestling with the repertoire: the promise and perils of next generation sequencing for antigen receptors. european journal of immunology 42: 2834-2839.

giudicelli v, lefranc mp (2012) imgt-ontology 2012. frontiers in genetics 3:79.

halliley jl, tipton cm, liesveld j, rosenberg af, darce j et al (2015). long-lived plasma cells are contained within the cd19− cd38 hi cd138+ subset in human bone marrow. immunity 43: 132-145.

lefranc mp (2013) immunoglobulin and t cell receptor genes: imgt and the birth and rise of immunoinformatics. proceedings of ici milan 85.

tan yc, blum lk, kongpachith s, ju ch, cai x et al (2014) high-throughput sequencing of natively paired antibody chains provides evidence for original antigenic sin shaping the antibody response to influenza vaccination. clinical immunology 151: 55-65.

rogosch t, kerzel s, hoi kh, zhang z, maier rf et al immunoglobulin analysistool: a novel tool for the analysis of human and mouse heavy and light chain transcripts.

woodsworth dj, castellarin m, holt ra (2013) sequence analysis of t-cell repertoires in health and disease. genome medicine 5 : 98.

calis jj, rosenberg br (2014) characterizing immune repertoires by high throughput sequencing: strategies and applications. trends in immunology 35 :581-590.

six a, mariotti-ferrandiz e, chaara w, magadan s, pham hp et al (2013) the past, present, and future of immune repertoire biology–the rise of next-generation repertoire analysis. frontiers in immunology 4:413.

thomas n, heather j, ndifon w, shawe-taylor j, chain b et al (2013) decombinator: a tool for fast, efficient gene assignment in t-cell receptor sequences using a finite state machine. bioinformatics btt004.

lee yn, frugoni f, dobbs k, walter je, giliani s et al (2014) a systematic analysis of recombination activity and genotype-phenotype correlation in human recombination-activating gene 1 deficiency. journal of allergy and clinical immunology 133: 1099-1108.
