Cloning  & Transgenesis

Cloning & Transgenesis
Open Access

ISSN: 2168-9849

Youming Zhang

Youming Zhang

Youming Zhang
Professor, National Heart & Lung Institute, Imperial College London
Royal Brompton Campus, United Kingdom


After he qualified in Medicine from Tong Ji Medical College, Dr Youming Zhang had further clinical and research training and obtained a Master degree in Medicine from Peking Union Medical College. He was a Clinical Research Fellow in Paediatrics at Beijing Children’s Hospital before he went to the University of Oxford to study for a DPhil. He focused his research in the field of asthma genetics under the supervision of Professor William Cookson who at the time was located at Oxford Wellcome Trust Centre for Human Genetics. After completing his DPhil study, followed by further research in Oxford, he was appointed as a Research Council UK Fellow at the National Heart and Lung Institute, Imperial College London where he is currently a Lecturer in Respiratory Genomics. 

Research Interest

Dr. Youming Zhang research interests include generating conditional knockout mouse models of novel asthma genes and applying genomic approaches to dissect out functions of the genes.
