ISSN: 2157-7609
Xiaochao Ma
Assistant Professor
Department of Pharmacology, Toxicology and Therapeutics, The University of Kansas Medical Center, USA
Dr. Ma received PhD in Pharmacology & Toxicology in 2003 at Chinese Academy of Sciences. From 2004 to 2008, Dr. Ma worked as a postdoctoral fellow in Dr. Frank Gonzalez’s laboratory at the National Institutes of Health (NIH). In 2008, Dr. Ma started as a tenure-tracked assistant professor at University of Kansas Medical Center (KUMC). The long-term goal of Dr. Ma′s research is to understand mechanisms of toxicity of anti-tuberculosis and anti-HIV chemotherapy. Dr. Ma has published 39 scientific papers and reviews. Dr. Ma′s research is supported by NIH.
Dr. Ma’s research focuses on the role of xenobiotic nuclear receptors in drug metabolism and metabolism-mediated liver injury. Pregnane X receptor (PXR; NR1I2) is one of the most important xenobiotic nuclear receptors regulating a large network of genes including those encoding metabolic enzymes and transporters. Recent advances in mouse models, including Pxr-null, PXR-humanized, and PXR/CYP3A4 double transgenic mice, provide ideal tools for evaluating the functions of human PXR and CYP3A4 in vivo. The laboratory utilizes these genetically engineered mouse models to investigate the mechanisms of drug-induced liver injury. In addition, we are interested in identifying small molecule biomarkers of drug-induced liver injury using an LC-MS-based metabolomic approach. Specific responding biomarkers will be used for elucidating the mechanisms of drug-induced liver injury.