
Open Access

ISSN: 2332-0915

+44 1223 790975

Rabiul Ahasan

Rabiul Ahasan

Rabiul Ahasan
Docent (Adjunct Professor), Department of Industrial Engineering and Management, Faculty of Engineering
University of Oulu, Finland


Dr Rabiul Ahasan teaches medical courses and conducts research
in the area of human factors and ergonomics. His research has resulted in
a goal of developing ergonomic principles and support strategies for
implementing human factors knowledge in design. He has presented research findings at numerous scientific conferences and authored over 30 researchpapers and journal articles on diverse facets of multidisciplinary
science, technology, and medicine.

Research Interest

Physical Anthropology, Musculo-skeletal & Sports
Medicine, Aging process, Service design, Service animals, Ergotherapy,
Music & dance.
