Cloning  & Transgenesis

Cloning & Transgenesis
Open Access

ISSN: 2168-9849

Qiang Xu

Qiang Xu

Qiang Xu
Professor, Department of Biology
Abilene Christian University, USA


Dr. Qiang Xu is an Assistant Professor of Biology at Abilene Christian University in Texas. He received his Ph. D. in Entomology, Cell and Molecular Biology from Auburn University. Dr. Xu has been working as a visiting scientist at the U.S. Department of Agriculture -Agriculture Research Service Knipling-Bushland, U.S. Livestock Insects Research Laboratory during summers of 2010 and 2011. He serves as an editorial board member and a reviewer for many journals.  Recently, Dr. Xu was selected as the chair of the Judging Panel for the International Congress on Insect Neurochemistry and Neurophysiology (ICINN) Student Recognition Award.

Research Interest

Dr. Xu’s research focuses on molecular mechanisms of insecticide resistance in mosquitoes, gene expression and regulation of horn flies, epigenetic mechanisms of insecticide resistance in house flies, gene evolution in insects, functional genomics of insects, and transgenic insects.
