Journal of Molecular Pathology and Biochemistry

Journal of Molecular Pathology and Biochemistry
Open Access


John K.S.S. Philip


07/2017 - present Cytopathology fellowship Northwestern university, Feinberg School of Medicine, Chicago. 07/2016 – 06/2017 Resident in Anatomic and Clinical Pathology Wake forest Baptist Medical center, Winston Salem, NC. 07/2012- 06/2016 Registrar in cytopathology, Pathology (Junior attending) Kuwait cancer control center, Ministry of Health, Kuwait. 06/2007- 07/2012 Specialist in Pathology (AP/ CP) (Junior attending) Chidambaram Hospital, Tisayanvilai, India. 03/2007- 05/2007 Pennine acute hospitals NHS trust, Lancashire, United Kingdom - Attaché in Anatomic pathology 09/2005- 02/2007 - Senior house officer in Anatomic Pathology (Resident) 03/2005- 08/2005 Specialist in Pathology (AP/ CP) (Junior attending) Chidambaram Hospital, Tisayanvilai, India. 11/2004- 02/2005 Senior house officer in pathology (honorary) Institute of Obstetrics & Gynecology, Madras Medical College, India. 04/ 2004- 09/2004 Resident in Anatomic and Clinical Pathology, Kilpauk Medical college, Chennai, India. 05/2001- 03/2004 Senior house officer in Surgery (Resident) Chidambaram Hospital, Tisayanvilai, India. 02/2000 - 04/2001 Medical school and Internship, Madurai Medical college, Madurai, India. Internship 01/1999- 01/2000 Medical education (MBBS) 08/1994- 12/1998

Research Interest

cytopathology, Pathology ,
