Cloning  & Transgenesis

Cloning & Transgenesis
Open Access

ISSN: 2168-9849

Anthony W S Chan

Anthony W S Chan

Anthony W S Chan
Professor, Department of Human Genetics
Emory University School of Medicine, USA


Dr. Anthony was trained as a Veterinarian at the National Taiwan University and received my PhD training at the University of Wisconsin-Madison. I create the first transgenic monkey in 2001 and the first transgenic Huntington’s disease monkey in 2008. My research is focused on the development of transgenic nonhuman primate model of inherited human disease such as Huntington’s and Alzheimer’s diseases. My lab also has great interest in developing pluripotent stem cell model for studying pathogenesis of neurodegenerative diseases and develop in vitro platform for the development of novel treatments including new drugs, gene and cell therapy in parallel with our transgenic monkey model. In addition to extensive longitudinal studies on our transgenic monkey model and stem cell research, we are developing transgenic MRI reporter that we hope to apply in stem cell replacement study in nonhuman primates.

Research Interest

Dr. Anthony research is focused on the development of a nonhuman primate model (NHP) of Huntington’s disease (HD) that is not only physiologically comparable to humans but also carries a mutant huntingtin (HTT) gene that leads to HD (Yang et al., 2008) as well as an Alzheimer’s monkey model. Our goal interest is to study progression of disease through longitudinal studies in transgenic monkey model. Longitudinal studies including non-invasive imaging, gene expression/small RNA profiling,metabolomics, and cognitive behavioral evaluation. In addition to the development of animal models, we are developing genetically modified pluripotent stem cells by different method including iPS, parthenogeneisis and from IVF generated embryos as a tool for modeling disease development and developing novel platforms for drug discovery research and the development of cell and gene therapy. We also developing transgenic MRI reporter for monitoring of cell graft in nonhuman primates.
