Emergency Medicine: Open Access

Emergency Medicine: Open Access
Open Access

ISSN: 2165-7548

Adheera Singh

Department of Emergency Medicine, Vydehi Institute of Medical Sciences and Research Centre, Bangalore, India

  • Case Report   
    Flash Pulmonary Odema-4 Rare Cases of Non-Cardiogenic, Non-Renal Etiology
    Author(s): Adheera Singh*

    Non cardiogenic non renal flash pulmonary edema is a dramatic form of acute heart failure syndrome with rapid progression of symptoms giving the emergency physicians a narrow time window (few minutes to hours) to intervene and improve patient outcome. The spectrum of patients presenting is wide, ranging from mild pulmonary edema to respiratory failure. Due to the central role of increased sympathetic activity in the pathophysiology of this subset of patients, SCAPE (Sympathetic Crashing Acute Pulmonary Edema) is a better terminology. Early identification and prompt management helps decrease morbidity and mortality. Use of early Noninvasive Ventilation (NIV) after rapid screening for contraindications, diuretics and fluid restriction forms the basis of management of these patients. Three of the patients were successfully discharged from the hospital... View More»
    DOI: 10.4172/2165-7548.23.13.285

    Abstract HTML PDF
