Journal of Pharmacological Reports

Journal of Pharmacological Reports
Open Access


Khushwant S Bhullar

Khushwant S Bhullar
Faculty of Medicine and Dentistry,
Edmonton, AB, T6G 2H7

  • Commentry
    Nutritional Intervention for Active Tuberculosis: Relevance to Nunavut Tuberculosis Control and Elimination Program
    Author(s): Khushwant S BhullarKhushwant S Bhullar

    Introduction: A Canadian physician named Sir William Osler truly stated that “Tuberculosis (TB) is a social disease with a medical aspect.” The social determinants of health including food insecurity and malnutrition play a critical role in the high TB incidence in Nunavut, especially among Inuit. The rising epidemiology of TB indicates a strong need for improving the nutritional status of Inuit towards prevention of initial, recurrent infections and immune deficiencies. Methods: The author conducted a small, two-stage analysis of tuberculosis epidemiology and nutritional status in individuals of Inuit ancestry. The first stage included the review of the currently available literature associated with the prevalence of TB in Canada, with a focus on Inuit, and its healthcare expenditure. The second phase focused on assessment of th.. View More»

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