ISSN: 2167-0420
Hiko D
Research Article
Prevalence and Perinatal Outcome of Singleton Term Breech Delivery in Mizan
Aman General Hospital, South West, Ethiopia; A Three Year Retrospective
Hospital based Study
Author(s): Tilahun T, Mengistie H and Hiko DTilahun T, Mengistie H and Hiko D
Introduction: Breech deliveries have always been topical issues in obstetrics because of the very high perinatal mortality and morbidity. These are due to combination of trauma, birth asphyxia, prematurity and malformation. Neonates undergoing term breech deliveries have long-term morbidity up to the school age irrespective of mode of delivery.
Objective: To determine the perinatal outcome of singleton term breech deliveries and identify associated factors at Mizan Aman General Hospital.
Methods: Hospital based cross-sectional study was conducted. Data on Socio-demographic, obstetric conditions and outcome of singleton breech deliveries of all pregnant women was collected from January 01, 2012 to December 31, 2014 GC. The collected Data was entered to SPSS version-20 for analysis. Descriptive statistics was run and .. View More»