ISSN: 2381-8719
+44 1478 350008
G van Tonder
South Africa
Research Article
Development of a Preliminary Hydrogeology Conceptual Model for a Heterogeneous Alluvial Aquifer using Geological Characterization
Author(s): M Gomo and G van Tonder
M Gomo and G van Tonder
Geological characterization of a heterogeneous alluvial channel aquifer was conducted using outcrop mapping and analysis of lithological logs from 15 boreholes drilled at the site. The study was aimed at developing a preliminary hydrogeology conceptual model. A total of 12 lithological samples were tested in the laboratory using falling head permeameter to determine the hydraulic conductivity of each unconsolidated lithology unit. Shale and calcrete outcrops were observed on the study site. Outcrop mapping on the site also indicated the presence of a contact plane between the overlying unconsolidated sediments and the shale of the underlying bedrock where a groundwater discharge zone has been created. Geology logs show that the alluvial channel aquifer comprises of three distinct layered unconsolidated sediment materials (calcrete, clay-silt, sand-gravel deposited formations) that ove.. View More»