ISSN: 2381-8719
+44 1478 350008
Amin Khan
Research Article
Integrated Geophysical Analysis and Rock Physics Study to Confirm the Hydrocarbon Reservoir of the Bitrisim Area in Pakistan
Author(s): Ibrar Iqbal, Gang Tian, Shahid Iqbal and Amin Khan
Ibrar Iqbal, Gang Tian, Shahid Iqbal and Amin Khan
Horst and graben structure is the symbolic depiction of extensional tectonics in Pakistan, which was our research study area with (Bitrisim) as a communal example. To carry out the structural and stratigraphic interpretation of our study area, we used two seismic dip lines and one strike line. Two way time and depth mapping helped in outlining the structural trend and understanding the tectonics of the area. Subsurface mapping indicated that the major fault trend was NNW-SSE. There were marks of faults breaking out, indicating the existence of various tectonic periods. The dominant structural trend of the area provided the basic components of a profile petroleum system. We also tried to find the porosity and volume of the shale. 1D modeling has been done for the wells of Fateh-01. The zone under observation was Lower Goru. Porosity calculations were made to determine the water and hyd.. View More»