Journal of Research and Development

Journal of Research and Development
Open Access

ISSN: 2311-3278

Alexander J Prokopienko

Alexander J Prokopienko

University of Pittsburgh School of Pharmacy, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, USA

Experienced in clinical pharmacology and clinical development in academia and industry. Matrix leadership experience leading the design and conduct of clinical FIH, ADME, DDI, OC-DDI studies. Pediatric development experience with regulatory interaction, study design and conduct. Experience contributing to the design and analysis of phase 2 and 3 studies. Also, experienced with representing Clin Pharm in regulatory interactions. Thesis covered bench to bedside experiments evaluating the gut microbiome and drug metabolism in kidney disease
Research Interest

Currently, He  involved with his advisor, Dr. Thomas Nolin’s NIH funded clinical trial, exploring effects of Vitamin D status on drug metabolizing enzymes and drug transporters. He have been actively recruiting patients at a local kidney disease clinic and conducting study visits at the Clinical Translational Research Center. In addition to this clinical trial, He also pursuing exploratory projects studying trimethylamine-N-oxide (TMAO) in kidney disease.

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