Journal of Antivirals & Antiretrovirals

Journal of Antivirals & Antiretrovirals
Open Access

ISSN: 1948-5964

Journal of Antivirals & Antiretrovirals : Citations & Metrics Report

Articles published in Journal of Antivirals & Antiretrovirals have been cited by esteemed scholars and scientists all around the world. Journal of Antivirals & Antiretrovirals has got h-index 22, which means every article in Journal of Antivirals & Antiretrovirals has got 22 average citations.

Following are the list of articles that have cited the articles published in Journal of Antivirals & Antiretrovirals.

  2022 2021 2020 2019 2018

Year wise published articles

32 59 77 13 11

Year wise citations received

172 256 226 169 197
Journal total citations count 1776
Journal impact factor 5.32
Journal 5 years impact factor 5.62
Journal cite score 5.3
Journal h-index 22
Journal h-index since 2018 17
Important citations (1101)

dragojevic s, ryu js, raucher d (2015) polymer-based prodrugs: improving tumor targeting and the solubility of small molecule drugs in cancer therapy. molecules 20: 21750-21769.

piotrowska u, sobczak m (2014) enzymatic polymerization of cyclic monomers in ionic liquids as a prospective synthesis method for polyesters used in drug delivery systems. molecules 20: 1-23.

khan n. a study to identify the obstacles to optimal function of the polio eradication program in the high risk districts of pakistan (doctoral dissertation, university of oslo).

wilkhu p, wilkhu ff global polio eradication initiative: a review of policy transfer in nigeria.

earla p (2014) ancient diseases-microbial impact. journal of ancient diseases & preventive remedies.

dalhatu s, ghani na, bozkurt v (2015) a systematic review on factors affecting community participation towards polio immunization in nigeria. mediterranean journal of social sciences 6: 407.

manguvo a, mafuvadze b (2015) the impact of traditional and religious practices on the spread of ebola in west africa: time for a strategic shift. the pan african medical journal 22.

ugalde h, ugalde d, dussaillant g (2016) fístula coronaria gigante. presentación clínica, caracterización angiográfica, tratamiento y seguimiento a largo plazo: caso clínico. revista médica de chile 144: 937-941.

frías a, ortiz a, soto m, muñoz f, chacón c (2016) síndrome de cushing iatrogénico por corticoides inhalados en paciente vih. revista médica de chile 144: 931-936.

av r (2014) inhalational steroids and iatrogenic cushing’s syndrome. the open respiratory medicine journal 31: 8.

raveendran av (2014) inhalational steroids and iatrogenic cushing’s syndrome. the open respiratory medicine journal 8: 74.

bhardwaj a (2016) jatropha curcas: a forgotten doctor. imperial journal of interdisciplinary research 1: 2.

kavitha ks, baker s, d rakshith p (2016) plant diversity repertoire of bioactive triterpenoids. plant biodiversity: monitoring, assessment and conservation 23: 152.

el-baz fk, aly hf, saad sa. jatropha curcas extract improves carbon tetrachloride-induced nephrotoxicity and inflammation in rats.

el-baz fk, bagato o, aly h, saad s, ali m, et al. comparitive evaluation of jatropha curcas leaves extract for antibacterial, anti-avian influenza a virus (h5n1) properties and gc-ms profile.

nasir na, anuar n, zainuddin z, yaakob z (2017) evaluation of genetic homogeneity of jatropha curcas l. hybrid at an early stage of shoot bud formation from petioles using issr marker. biotechnology & biotechnological equipment 31: 45-50.

deb l, laishram s, khumukcham n, ningthoukhongjam d, nameirakpam ss, et al. (2015) past, present and perspectives of manipur traditional medicine: a major health care system available for rural population in the north-east india. journal of ethnopharmacology 169: 387-400.

yip ms (2011) severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus infection of human immune cells through antibody-mediated pathway jan 1: 1-10.

research progress of myocarditis animal model (2014) chinese journal of rheumatology 18: 783-786.

hawman dw, morrison te (2016) chikungunya virus pathogenesis. inchikungunya virus 161-183.
