Journal of Antivirals & Antiretrovirals

Journal of Antivirals & Antiretrovirals
Open Access

ISSN: 1948-5964

Journal of Antivirals & Antiretrovirals : Citations & Metrics Report

Articles published in Journal of Antivirals & Antiretrovirals have been cited by esteemed scholars and scientists all around the world. Journal of Antivirals & Antiretrovirals has got h-index 22, which means every article in Journal of Antivirals & Antiretrovirals has got 22 average citations.

Following are the list of articles that have cited the articles published in Journal of Antivirals & Antiretrovirals.

  2022 2021 2020 2019 2018

Year wise published articles

32 59 77 13 11

Year wise citations received

172 256 226 169 197
Journal total citations count 1776
Journal impact factor 5.32
Journal 5 years impact factor 5.62
Journal cite score 5.3
Journal h-index 22
Journal h-index since 2018 17
Important citations (1101)

diarra mc. effets indesirables des antiretroviraux chez les patients infectes par le vih a l’hôpital regional de sikasso et au cerkes de sikasso.

wang yp, huang lp, du wj, wei yw, wu hl, et al. (2016) targeting the pseudorabies virus dna polymerase processivity factor ul42 by rna interference efficiently inhibits viral replication. antiviral research 132: 219-224.

el-fakharany em, uversky vn, redwan em (2016) comparative analysis of the antiviral activity of camel, bovine, and human lactoperoxidases against herpes simplex virus type 1. applied biochemistry and biotechnology 16: 1-7.

callon w, beach mc, saha s, chander g, wilson ib, et al. (2016) assessing problematic substance use in hiv care: which questions elicit accurate patient disclosures?. journal of general internal medicine 31: 1141-1147.

cory tj, midde nm, rao ps, kumar s (2015) investigational reverse transcriptase inhibitors for the treatment of hiv. expert opinion on investigational drugs 24: 1219-1228.

kumar s, rao ps, earla r, kumar a (2015) drug–drug interactions between anti-retroviral therapies and drugs of abuse in hiv systems. expert opinion on drug metabolism & toxicology 11: 343-355.

inostroza e, pinto r (2017) nuevos virus respiratorios en pediatría. revista médica clínica las condes 28: 83-89.

kim ji, park s, lee i, park ks, kwak ej, et al. (2016) genome-wide analysis of human metapneumovirus evolution. plos one 11: e0152962.

umoren eb, obembe ao, osim ee (2015) influence of nevirapine on gastrointestinal function. j gastrointest dig syst 5: 2.

umoren eb, obembe ao, osim ee (2015) influence of nevirapine on gastrointestinal function. j gastrointest dig syst 5: 2.

umoren eb, obembe ao, odo mo, osim ee (2015) influence of long term administration of nevirapine on serum liver enzymes profile in albino wistar rats. j aids clin res 6: 2.

kolappaswamy k (2015) susceptibility of sigmodon hispidus. lab animal 44: 199.

ichii o, nakamura t, irie t, kouguchi h, nakamura d, et al. (2016) female cotton rats (sigmodon hispidus) develop chronic anemia with renal inflammation and cystic changes. histochemistry and cell biology 146: 351-362.

graham bs (2016) vaccines against respiratory syncytial virus: the time has finally come. vaccine 34: 3535-3541.

kei fukuyama development of an efficient method for synthesizing pharmacologically active c4 - tetrasubstituted nucleoside derivatives.

fukuyama k, ohrui h, kuwahara s (2015) synthesis of efda via a diastereoselective aldol reaction of a protected 3-keto furanose. organic letters 17: 828-831.

golmakani mt, farahmand m, ghassemi a, eskandari mh, niakousari m (2017 enrichment of citral isomers in different microwave‐assisted extraction of essential oil from fresh and dried lemon verbena (aloysia citridora) leaves. journal of food processing and preservation.

golmakani mt, farahmand m, ghassemi a, eskandari mh, niakousari m (2017 enrichment of citral isomers in different microwave‐assisted extraction of essential oil from fresh and dried lemon verbena (aloysia citridora) leaves. journal of food processing and preservation.

liu y, gui t, jia l, li l, bao z, et al. (2015) phylogenetic analysis of hiv-1 crf65_cpx reveals yunnan province is still a source contributing to the spread of hiv-1 in china. jaids journal of acquired immune deficiency syndromes 70: e120-e122.

zhou y, lu j, wang j, yan h, li j, et al. (2016) prevalence of hiv antiretroviral drug resistance and its impacts on hiv-1 virological failures in jiangsu, china: a cross-sectional study. biomed research international.
