Mathematica Eterna

Mathematica Eterna
Open Access

ISSN: 1314-3344



On the Wreath product of Group M11wrM12 by some other groups

Basmah H. Shafee

In this paper, we will generate the wreath product M11wr M12 using only two permutations. We will show the structure of some groups containing the wreath product M11wr M12 . The structure of the group constructed is determined in terms of wreath product(M11wr M12))wrCk . Some related cases are also included. Also, we will show that S132k+1 and A132k+1 can be generated using the wreath product(M11wr M12)wrCk and a transposition in S132k+1 and an element of order 3 in A132k+1 . We will also show thatS132k+1 and A132k+1 can be generated using the wreath product M11wr M12 and an element of order k+1 .
