Mathematica Eterna

Mathematica Eterna
Open Access

ISSN: 1314-3344



Multiscale Modeling of Trafic Flow

Daiheng Ni

This paper presents a broad perspective on trafic flow modeling at a spectrum of four scales. Modeling objectives and model properties at each scale are discussed and existing eforts are reviewed. In order to ensure modeling consistency and provide a microscopic basis for macro-scopic models, it is critical to address the coupling among models at different scales, i.e. how less detailed models are derived from more de-tailed models and, conversely, how more detailed models are aggregated to less detailed models. With this understanding, a consistent modeling approach is proposed based on fi eld theory and modeling strategies at each of the four scales are discussed. In addition, a few special cases are formulated at both microscopic and macroscopic scales. Numerical and empirical results suggest that these special cases perform satisfactorily and aggregate to realistic macroscopic behavior. By ensuring model coupling and modeling consistency, the proposed approach is able to establish the theoretical foundation for trafic modeling and simulation at multiple scales seamlessly within a single system.
