Mathematica Eterna

Mathematica Eterna
Open Access

ISSN: 1314-3344



Eigensubspaces of endomorphisms of algebra of convergent power series

Aydin I. Shahbazov and Dashqin A. Seyidov

In [5] was considered the eigenvalues and eigensubspaces of endomorphisms (which are induced by the selfmappings with Denjoy-Wolff type fixed points) of algebra of convergent power series Σn of n variables z = (z1, . . . , zn) and for the algebras Σ2 was determined the eigenvalues (also, described their corresponding eigensubspaces) of endomorphisms in the resonancing cases. In this work we continue this problem and we determine the eigenvalues (also, describe their corresponding eigensubspaces ) of such endomorphisms of algfbras Σ2 in the all cases.
