Gynecology & Obstetrics

Gynecology & Obstetrics
Open Access

ISSN: 2161-0932

Vulvodynia: A pain condition also affecting adolescents

International Conference on Pediatrics & Gynecology

6-8 December 2011 Philadelphia Airport Marriott, USA

Gary Ventolini

Keynote: Pediatr Therapeut

Abstract :

Th e purpose of this presentation is to review the state of the art regarding vulvodynia in adolescents. Vulvodynia is a chronic, heterogeneous, and multifactorial disease with a high prevalence (studies estimate that as many as 13 million women may suff er from this condition and 1 in 15 are adolescents). Th is condition aff ects Caucasians, African Americans, Africans and Hispanics particularly those sexually active at child bearing age. Additionally vulvodynia is a major health problem in the US, leading to signifi cant morbidity and a reduced quality of life for many women. Recent research activities have formed the groundwork and increased our knowledge base, although our understanding of the etiology and pathology of this condition is largely incomplete. Vulvodynia as a clinical condition has several diff erent and poorly defi ned antecedents. Adolescent patients frequently experience chronic vulvar irritation, burning and pain. If an adolescent become sexually active she will complain of dyspareunia. Some adolescents identify the pain and increased sensitivity as generalized or localized that may be provoked or occur spontaneously. Th e experience of chronic pain is a complex interaction of biological, behavioral, sociocultural, and environmental factors. Th e basic biological processes involved in the complexities of this condition are poorly understood and are deemed important for building a substantive knowledge base. While histologic studies suggest a chronic infl ammatory reaction, the causes of the infl ammation, as well as its signifi cance to vulvodynia, remain unclear. We will also discuss the therapy for vulvodynia including the use of pharmaceutical regimens, surgery, psychological support, physical therapy, and pain management techniques such as biofeedback and behavior modifi cation. Additionally the need we have to increase knowledge and understanding the biological processes that lead to its development and long-term sequelae.

Biography :

Dr. Gary ventolini graduated medical school from the university of padova in Italy. He completed Residency training in family practice and obstetrics & gynecology in the USA later becoming a fellow of both Organizations. He has been professor and chair of the obstetrics and gynecology department at Wright State university, Dayton, Ohio, .since his appointment in 2006.he has published over 60 papers in peer Reviewed journals and more than 10 manuscripts in journals as per editors requests. He has presented more than 50 abstracts at national and international meetings and has authored several book chapters, books and manuals.
