Gynecology & Obstetrics

Gynecology & Obstetrics
Open Access

ISSN: 2161-0932

Use of home ovulation tests in women trying to conceive

4th International Conference on Gynecology & Obstetrics

October 02-04, 2017 Barcelona, Spain

Sarah Johnson

SPD Development Company Ltd., UK

Keynote: Gynecol Obstet (Sunnyvale)

Abstract :

Women��?s attitudes to achieve pregnancy differ and a multinational study has shown that expectations vary between countries. In USA and Germany, women expect pregnancy to occur quickly and are more prepared to take actions to increase their chances early, compared to Brazil where there is a desire for the route to pregnancy to be as natural as possible. There are only a limited number of days on which intercourse can lead to pregnancy, and these vary both within and between women. Surveys of women have found many are unaware of basic fertility information, such that mistiming of intercourse can be a primary reason for failing to conceive. Home ovulation tests provide a simple, user-friendly method for enabling women to identify their fertile period. Qualitative assessment of women��?s experience in using these tests has found several positive themes relating to their use; understanding their menstrual cycle, confirming ovulation, emotional support, and improved relationship with their partner. Some less positive themes were also found; impact on sex life, dependency with long-term use, self-blame when they failed to become pregnant. A randomized controlled study examining stress in women using home ovulation tests found that test usage did not introduce additional stress, and indeed more women in the test group achieved pregnancy. Therefore home ovulation tests can provide a useful early intervention for women who are hoping to become pregnant.

Biography :

Sarah Johnson is Head of regulatory and clinical affairs at SPD Development Company Ltd. Since joining Clearblue in 1999, she had gained over 15 years of experience in the medical devices industry, initially in research and more recently in clinical and regulatory affairs. She has over 15 peer reviewed publications in women’s health. She now leads the clinical and regulatory affairs and statistics departments for SPD. Clinical affairs involve the management of clinical and laboratory research connected with biomarkers of women’s health, and their application to medical devices. Recent important studies include the US based gestational age study and the UK based stress study, early pregnancy studies and fertility monitor usage studies. Regulatory affairs oversees the international registration of SPD’s products, with successful registrations in USA, Europe, Australia, Russia, China, Brazil and many other countries.
