Rheumatology: Current Research

Rheumatology: Current Research
Open Access

ISSN: 2161-1149 (Printed)


Undifferentiated Arthritis, early Rheumatoid Arthritis - late Rheumatoid Arthritis � comparison of the phenotype and function of peripheral T lymphocytes

International Conference and Exhibition on Orthopedics & Rheumatology

August 13-15, 2012 Hilton Chicago/Northbrook, USA

Justyna Paw�?�?owska

Accepted Abstracts: Rheumatology & Orthopedics

Abstract :

Over the last years much attention has been given to early rheumatoid arthritis (RA). Identification of patients destined to develop RA at the stage of undifferentiated arthritis (UA) is much difficult since no much specific diagnostic toll is available. Understanding the differences between early RA and late RA is one of the major challenges in elucidating RA patomechanism and improving treatment approach. A relatively new concept describes premature senescence of peripheral CD4+ T cells in established long-lasting RA patients while many questions concerning T-lymphocyte status in early RA and UA are still unanswered. The presentation will provide key reviews of fundamental T-cell lymphocytes dogma in RA patomechanism and the results of the research conducted at the Department of Pathophysiology. The presentation will close to the truth about differences in peripheral immunological features between early RA and late RA based on the published and own study. We focused on the number of fundamental lymphocytes subpopulations and proliferation kinetics of T cells. Additional objective was to find out if the status of the T lymphocyte may distinguish (predict) patients who develop RA among UA cohort We observed sophisticated changes in activation/suppressor status of CD4+ lymphocytes and number of CD28- negative T cells subpopulations. We showed that since number of main T cells subpopulations did not distinguish patients who develop RA at UA stage, but there were significant changes in proliferation status of T cells. According to the result we have developed a set of new predictive cellular biomarkers for early RA which would enable the international rheumatology recommendation to be achieved concerning the early diagnosis and treatment of RA patients.
