Journal of Depression and Anxiety

Journal of Depression and Anxiety
Open Access

ISSN: 2167-1044

+44 1223 790975

Treatment of anxiety and stress in the cognitive causal approach

4th International Conference on Depression, Anxiety and Stress Management

May 10-11, 2018 | Frankfurt, Germany

Paolo Scapellato

European University of Rome, Italy

Keynote: J Depress Anxiety

Abstract :

The causal cognitive approach, proposed in Italy by Antonino Tamburello since 2003, aims to identify rational theoretical foundations on which to base cognitive therapy. Thanks to the clinical studies and practice of the last 20 years, a new anthropological model for clinical psychology is proposed, but based on ancient and obvious rational principles. So also, psychopathology acquires new perspectives and so the anxiety issue is redefined. Starting from the four principles of causality of clinical psychology, man's action is defined as the effect of a profound and powerful motivational system, acquired unconsciously. The motivational system is the stratification of priority interest, through which the cognitive sets and daily action strategies are built. In this perspective, anxiety is explained as a natural response to the perception of a threat or a significant stimulus. The threat value, however, depends on the motivational structure, as it is threat all that endangers the satisfaction of priority interest. Anxiety, consequently, has the function of alerting the person and making it act to preserve his personality. Anxiety becomes pathological when the entire structure is threatened and every attempt to protect it has failed. Through the study of a clinical case it is possible to highlight the steps of the causal therapeutic pathway and to indicate the strengths of this theory, which, being still young, needs more scientific confirmations. Recent Publications 1. Beck A T, Emery G and Greenberg R L (2005) Anxiety disorders and phobias: a cognitive perspective. Basic Books. ISBN: 9780465005871 2. Cisler J M, Olatunji B O, Feldner M T and Forsyth J P (2010) Emotion regulation and the anxiety disorders: an integrative review. Journal of Psychopathology and Behavioral Assessment. 32(1):68-82. 3. Otte C (2011) Cognitive behavioral therapy in anxiety disorders: current state of the evidence. Dialogues Clin. Neurosci. 13(4):413-421. 4. Tamburello A and Scapellato P (2014) Fondamenti di investigazione clinica, Editori Riuniti. ISBN:9788864731414. 5. Tamburello A (2007) The new cognitive psychotherapy. Sugarco Co. ISBN:978-88-7198-527-5.

Biography :

Paolo Scapellato graduated in Psychology at the University of Bologna in 1998 and then specialized in Cognitive-Behavioral Psychotherapy at the Skinner Institute in Rome. He is active in psychotherapy privately in Macerata, where he lives, and since 2006 is a Contract Professor of Clinical Psychology and Fundamentals of Clinical Investigation at the European University of Rome. He is Professor and Supervisor of the School of Specialization in Psychotherapy of the Skinner Institute in Rome and Naples. He is the author of numerous national and international publications and books, “Panic Attacks and Acute Anxiety: Basic Psychological Help”. (Giunti ed., 2017), “Foundations of Clinical Investigations” (Editori Riuniti, 2014), “Prevention and Treatment of Addictions: The Hope That Does Not Give Up”. (Editori Riuniti, 2014).
