Journal of Hepatology and Gastrointestinal disorders

Journal of Hepatology and Gastrointestinal disorders
Open Access

ISSN: 2475-3181


TransAbdominal sonography of the small & large intestines

27th World Congress on Diet, Nutrition and Obesity & 18th World Gastroenterologists Summit

September 07-08, 2018 Auckland, New Zealand

Vikas Leelavati Balasaheb Jadhav

Dr. D. Y. Patil University, India

Scientific Tracks Abstracts: J Hepatol Gastroint Dis

Abstract :

TransAbdominal Sonography of the Small & Large Intestines can reveal following diseases. Bacterial & Viral Entero-Colitis. An Ulcer, whether it is superficial, deep with risk of impending perforation, Perforated, Sealed perforation, Chronic Ulcer & Post-Healing fibrosis & stricture. Neoplastic lesion is usually a segment involvement, & shows irregularly thickened, hypoechoic & aperistaltic wall with loss of normal layering pattern. It is usually a solitary stricture & has eccentric irregular luminal narrowing. It shows loss of normal Gut Signature. Enlargement of the involved segment seen. Shouldering effect at the ends of stricture is most common feature. Primary arising from wall itself & secondary are invasion from adjacent malignancy or distant metastasis. All these cases are compared & proved with gold standards like surgery & endoscopy. Some extra efforts taken during all routine or emergent ultrasonography examinations can be an effective non-invasive method to diagnose primarily hitherto unsuspected benign & malignant Gastro-Intestinal Tract lesions, so should be the investigation of choice.

Biography :

Vikas Leelavati BalaSaheb Jadhav has completed PostGraduation in Radiology in 1994. He has a 23 Years of experience in the field of Gastro-Intestinal Tract Ultrasound & Diagnostic as well Therapeutic Interventional Sonography. He is the Pioneer of Gastro-Intestinal Tract Sonography, especially Gastro-Duodenal Sonography. He has delivered many Guest Lectures in Indian as well International Conferences in nearly 27 countries as an Invited Guest Faculty, since March 2000. He is a Consultant Radiologist & the Specialist in Conventional as well Unconventional Gastro-Intestinal Tract Ultrasound & Diagnostic as well Therapeutic Interventional Sonologist in Pune, India.


