The mother generated index: Quality of life of puerperal women in | 41448
Gynecology & Obstetrics

Gynecology & Obstetrics
Open Access

ISSN: 2161-0932

The mother generated index: Quality of life of puerperal women in northeastern Brazil

Joint Event on International Conference on Gynecology & Obstetrics Pathology & 2nd World Congress on Embryology & in Vitro Fertilization

March 30-31, 2018 | Orlando, USA

Ana Karina Bezerra Pinheiro, Samila Gomes Ribeiro, Paula Renata Amorim Lessa Soares, Caroline Batista de Queiroz Aquino, Priscila de Sousa Aquino and Adrew Graham Symon

Universidade Federal do Ceara, Brazil
Universidade Federal do Piau�?­, Brazil
University of Dundee, UK

Posters & Accepted Abstracts: Gynecol Obstet

Abstract :

The mother generated index (MGI) was the first tool designed to measure postnatal quality of life, evaluated by mothers. A cross-sectional study with women in the immediate puerperium, hospitalized in a maternity hospital in the state of northeastern Brazil, from February to June 2015, with 272 postpartum women. The mother generated index (MGI) scale was used, which is subdivided into three steps. In the first, the woman identifies which areas of her life were most affected by gestation, classifying them as negative, positive, or both/none. In the second, the woman punctuates each area quoted in the previous step on a scale of 0-10. In the third, the woman distributes 20 points between the areas described, according to the degree of importance they represent for the quality of life. Data were analyzed using the statistical software SPSS, version 20.0. In the results, the areas indicated as positive were: relationship with the family; relationship with husband; feelings with the child; more responsibility; happiness; breastfeeding and feeding. And those that were considered more negative were: sleep; body; work and health. As noted, the use of MGI allows us to recognize some characteristics that are not normally presented in the context of pre-formulated QoL assessments. Therefore, the knowledge of positive and negative areas favors the creation of targeted strategies that can potentiate actions aimed at promoting the health of puerperal women and maintaining their quality of life.

Biography :

Ana Karina Bezerra Pinheiro has completed her PhD from Universidade Fedral do Ceará, Brazil. She is a Professor and Researcher in Brazil. She has published more than 70 papers in reputed journals and has been serving as an Editorial Board Member of repute.
