Gynecology & Obstetrics

Gynecology & Obstetrics
Open Access

ISSN: 2161-0932

Macrophage migration inhibitory factor -173 G/C polymorphism is not signifi cantly associated with necrotizing enterocolitis in preterm neonates in NICU

International Conference on Pediatrics & Gynecology

6-8 December 2011 Philadelphia Airport Marriott, USA

Cinzia Auriti, Giusi Prencipe, Fiammetta Piersigilli, Maria Paola Ronchetti, Rita Inglese and Fabrizio De Benedetti

Scientific Tracks Abstracts: Pediatr Therapeut

Abstract :

Background: Necrotizing Enterocolitis (NEC) is a leading cause of morbidity and mortality among preterm neonates. To identify subsets of neonates at high risk of NEC is a challenge. Local pro-infl ammatory response of the host could be of relevance in the still unclear pathogenesis of NEC. Macrophage migration inhibitory factor (MIF) is a pro-infl ammatory cytokine, implicated in the pathophysiology of infl ammatory bowel diseases, such as chronic colitis and gastric infl ammation. Th e MIF promoter contains a functionally relevant single nucleotide polymorphism (SNP) G�C at position -173. Th e MIF -173 C allele is associated with higher MIF expression in vitro. Aims: Th e aim of the study was to investigate whether the G/C polymorphism at -173 of the MIF promoter could be a risk factor for NEC and mortality during NEC, in premature neonates. Material and Methods: In a retrospective study we enrolled 107, GA�32 weeks, neonates admitted to NICU. Among them 41 were aff ected by NEC (Bell�s stages I-II and III) and 66 were controls. MIF -173 genotyping was carried out by PCR and DHPLC in all enrolled patients. Results: Th e frequency of the -173 G/C polymorphism and the distribution of -173 MIF genotype were similar in neonates with NEC compared to controls. We did not observe a signifi cant association between the -173G/C polymorphism and mortality. Conclusions: Th e G/C polymorphism at -173 of the MIF promoter does not appear of relevance to identify subsets of neonates at high risk of NEC and to predict mortality associated to NEC, in preterm neonates in NICU.
