ISSN: 2161-0932
A. G. Radhika
Accepted Abstracts: Pediatr Therapeut
Objectives: a) Determine the feasibility of transvaginal uterine artery ligation as conservative minimally invasive treatment in symptomatic uterine fi broids. b) Evaluate the effi cacy of transvaginal uterine artery ligation on symptoms of leiomyoma & ultrasound features of leiomyoma. Study design: Prospective Clinical Study. Material & Method: 20 women, in the reproductive age with symptomatic uterine fi broids, willing for conservative surgical management were recruited for the study from the outpatient clinic at Guru Teg Bahadur Hospital, Delhi. Transvaginal uterine artery ligation was done under anesthesia. Th e patients were followed up at 1, 3 and 6 months for persistence or recurrence of symptoms, clinical examination and transvaginal ultrasonography. Results: At 6 months there was statistically signifi cant decrease in the following measured outcomes - menstrual blood loss (40.16%), dysmenorrohea (66%), dyspareunia (75%), low backache (65%), fi broid volume (25%), and uterine volume (19%). Conclusion: Transvaginal uterine artery ligation was found to be safe, effi cacious, feasible and cost eff ective procedure with good patient satisfaction rates towards conservative approach for treating uterine myomas.