Gynecology & Obstetrics

Gynecology & Obstetrics
Open Access

ISSN: 2161-0932

Adherence to WHO 2010 recommendations with regard to semen analysis reports in the laboratories of West Bengal

5th Asia Pacific Gynecology and Obstetrics Congress

August 22-23, 2018 Tokyo, Japan

Sujoy Dasgupta

Genome - The Fertility Centre, India

Scientific Tracks Abstracts: Gynecol Obstet

Abstract :

Statement of the Problem: Semen analysis is an integral part of evaluation of a sub-fertile male. Because a semen result reflects the genital tract health of a man three months prior to collection, there is risk of significant day to day variation. Additionally, the results vary from one laboratory to another. In 2010, the WHO published recommendations on standard reporting of semen analysis. A number of Western studies found the lack of uniformity among the laboratories in assessing and reporting semen samples. Our study looked into the adherence of reporting of semen analysis with the WHO 2010 guidelines. Methodology: An observational study has been carried out after collecting semen analysis reports from different parts of Eastern India and Bangladesh. The sources of the reports included individual patients presented to subfertility clinics and gynecologists, reports sent by the patients online to their treating doctors and directly from the laboratory. The reports were subsequently analyzed against the standard of semen sample reporting recommended by the WHO, 2010. Findings: Majority of the laboratories did not follow all the standard points laid down by the WHO. Although all of the laboratories mentioned sperm concentration and morphology, majority of them did not report motility properly. Regarding physical characteristics, there have been discrepancies in reporting pH and viscosity. Very few laboratories used reference values, and among those who the values, large portions were still not using the WHO 2010 criteria. However, most of the laboratories attached to the ART (Assisted Reproductive Technology) clinics performed better in terms of reporting than non- ART laboratories. Conclusion & Significance: Even more than seven years after publication of WHO 2010 guidelines for semen analysis, majority of the laboratories do not adhere to the all the recommendations. There is need for increased awareness for the laboratory persons in this regard.

Biography :

Sujoy Dasgupta is currently working as a Consultant in Reproductive Medicine & Surgery at Genome - The Fertility Centre, Kolkata, India. He has his expertise in evaluation and passion in improving the fertility treatment and reproductive health. He has presented papers and posters in various national and international conferences. He has been invited to deliver lectures in more than 40 conferences at regional, national and international levels. He has, to his credit, 15 research publications at national and international journals and chapter contributions in three text books. He takes keen interest in medical education, particularly for trainee doctors. He has also been involved in “MRCOG Orientation Program” for training the doctors aspiring for MRCOG. His area of interest includes male subfertility, recurrent pregnancy loss, low cost IVF and fertility treatment in sexual dysfunction.


