Top Geoengineering Online Publishing Journals | Peer Reviewed Journals
Journal of Geography  & Natural Disasters

Journal of Geography  & Natural Disasters
Open Access

ISSN: 2167-0587


Top Geoengineering Online Publishing Journals

Geoengineering also referred to as engineering geology, geological engineering, or geotechnical engineering is the science which deals with the development, discovery, production & use of subsurface earth resources. Basically it is the artificial modification of Earth’s climate systems through two primary ideologies CDR & SRM CDR refers to Carbon Dioxide Removal & SRM is referred to as Solar Radiation Management. Solar Radiation Management (SRM) controls the rays of the sun before it reaches the planet. Carbon Dioxide Removal (CDR) and sequestration like ocean fertilization & artificial trees etc. Geoengineers are the scientists that work in the areas of infrastructure which includes isolation of hazardous waste, drilling for exploration and production of water, oil, or gas; mining, including surface and subsurface excavations etc.. OMICS Group runs more than 700+ peer-reviewed journals which include many top journals; it gives a wider platform to the scientists, students to share their views worldwide. OMICS Group also publishes one of the most top journals related to geoengineering which is named as Journal of Geology & Geosciences which maintains the regular issue releasing frequency and publishes the recent trends in the field of geoengineering. Geoengineering top journals, a peer-reviewed, open access journal publishes original innovative and highest quality papers; its main goal is to provide authors a platform of exchanging their work in various disciplines in the area of engineering geology, geotechnical earthquake, geotechnical engineering (soils and rocks) and environmental geotechnics
