Healthy Aging Research

Healthy Aging Research
Open Access

ISSN: 2261-7434


International Human Factors Journals

The word human-factors is used to describe equally a body of knowledge, a process, and an occupation. As a body of knowledge, human-factors is a collection of data and principles about human characteristics, capabilities, and limitations in relation to machines, jobs, and environments. As a process, it refers to the design of machines, machine systems, work methods, and environments to take into account the safety, comfort, and productiveness of human users and operators. As an occupation, human-factors include a range of scientists and engineers from several disciplines that are concerned with individuals and small groups at work. Journal of Ergonomics is a highly accessed, high impact factor international journal of OMICS group. This OMICS journal has good impact factor because it has been reviewed and cited by many eminent researchers. The journal of Ergonomics is an open access journal and therefore has high impact factor as the journal’s articles are freely available and can be cited by researchers easily. OMICS Group International organizes conferences and workshops all over the globe to promote the journals.

High Impact List of Articles
Conference Proceedings