Damage-assessment-scholarly-journal | Peer Reviewed Journals
Journal of Geography  & Natural Disasters

Journal of Geography  & Natural Disasters
Open Access

ISSN: 2167-0587



Damage Assessment is a preliminary onsite evaluation of damage or loss caused by an accident or natural event. Damage assessmentrecord the extent of damage, what can be replaced, restored or salvaged. It may also estimate the time required for repair, replacement and recovery.

Damage assessment is an integral part of facilitating effective and efficient response by government agencies and other organisations. Good damage assessment would start the ball rolling for effective response and relief operations such as evacuation, sheltering, search and rescue, mass casualty management, etc.

Damage assessment would be conducted as soon as possible after the disaster, but assessors must put their own safety first. The "all clear" should be given by the appropriate authority.

Four types of Damage Assessment may be considered:

Initial Situation Overview (ISO)

Initial Damage Assessment (IDA)

Damage Assessment and Needs Analysis (DANA) and

Damage and Loss Assessment (DALA).
