Journal of Pollution Effects & Control

Journal of Pollution Effects & Control
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ISSN: 2375-4397

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Short Communication - (2021)Volume 9, Issue 8

What are the Benefits of Mineral Water in Terms of Health?

Deepika Pilli**
*Correspondence: Deepika Pilli*, Department of Life Sciences, Bangalore University, India, Email:

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Mineral water comes from underground supplies. Not at all like normal drinking water, doesn’t mineral water go through synthetic handling. This article examines some conceivable medical advantages related with drinking mineral water. Mineral water versus tap water. While the vast majority in the United States approach clean drinking water, many individuals pick packaged mineral water for its apparent virtue and potential medical advantages [1].

The two sorts contain minerals and go through some type of handling. Be that as it may, by definition, mineral water should contain a specific measure of minerals, and the packaging interaction happens at the source. We talk about the contrasts between faucet water and mineral water beneath.

Tap Water

The water coming out of your tap comes from either surface or subsurface sources.

In the United States, tap water must meet the Environmental Protection Agency's Safe Drinking Water Act regulations (EPA). These rules limit the amount of toxins in the water that is delivered to residences.

Water from public sources is transported to treatment plants, where it is chemically disinfected. Clean water is eventually distributed to homes via a network of subterranean pipes [2].

Minerals such as calcium, magnesium, and potassium have been added to tap water. Hard tap water has more minerals, which some people believe is healthier. Hard water, on the other hand, contains minerals that can erode pipes and restrict flow.

Mineral Water

Mineral water is obtained from natural underground reservoirs and mineral springs, and it contains more minerals than tap water. Mineral water should have at least 250 parts per million of total dissolved solids, according to the Food and Drug Administration (FDA). Minerals are not allowed to be added to these goods by the FDA. Mineral water is bottled at the source, unlike tap water. Mineral water is preferred by some people because of its perceived purity and lack of chemical disinfection procedures. It may, however, be subjected to some processing. Adding or removing carbon dioxide (CO2 ) gas, as well as hazardous compounds like arsenic, are examples of this.

Potential Benefits of Drinking Mineral Water

Magnesium can be obtained through packaged mineral water as well as from tap water. Blood pressure, blood glucose levels, and neuron activity are all regulated by this vitamin. Magnesium content varies depending on the source. Depending on the source, the amount of magnesium in water can range from 1 milligram per litre (mg/l) to more than 120 mg/l [3].

The daily recommended allowance for magnesium is as follows:

310–320 mg for adult females

400–420 mg for adult males

A serious lack might cause a portion of the accompanying:

Numbness or shivering

Muscle cramps

Low calcium or potassium levels

Mood changes

Bringing down circulatory strain: Having low degrees of magnesium might add to hypertension, congestive cardiovascular breakdown, and conditions that cause unpredictable pulses. Mineral water wealthy in magnesium may hence assist with bringing down the danger of cardiovascular sickness. Directing blood dissemination: Mineral water might contain a lot of calcium, magnesium, and potassium, all of which advance blood course. Calcium is important for building and keeping up with solid bones. It additionally manages the rate and mood of the heartbeat [4].

Reinforcing bones: Mineral water contains calcium, which advances bone strength. At the point when bone tissue separates, the body stores new bone in its place. During immaturity, new bone is stored quicker than old bone separates. Notwithstanding, after the age of 20, bone misfortune can begin outperforming bone arrangement, which can prompt fragile, feeble bones. Customary exercise and diets wealthy in calcium can fortify bones and forestall bone misfortune.

Drinking mineral water is generally risk-free: There is minimal evidence that drinking simple mineral water has any immediate detrimental health effects. Carbonic acid, which is present in carbonated mineral water, can produce hiccups or bloating.

Specific pollutants may be present in bottled water. Mineral water must have a minimum amount of microorganisms by definition. Furthermore, because mineral water is bottled at the source, it does not go through the same disinfection process as tap water, therefore the variety of bacteria can differ.

Plastic toxicity: Bisphenol A, or BPA, is found in many plastic containers. This substance has the potential to disrupt normal hormonal activity. Micro plastics, or very little plastic particles, are another possible source of worry. Micro plastics have been found in meals and beverages, as well as fish, beer, and table salt, according to scientists [5].

Natural concerns: One significant issue encompassing mineral water includes the holder. The huge scope creation of plastic jugs causes contamination and has genuine ramifications for the climate. In a recent report, analysts took a gander at the different ecological effects of normal water treatment, mineral water in plastic jugs, and mineral water in glass bottles. They found that faucet water handling techniques were the most ideal choice. The researchers additionally noticed that delivering glass bottles devoured the biggest measure of crude material and required the most energy.



  1. Levallois P, Grondin J, Gingras S. Evaluation of consumer attitudes on taste and tap water alternatives in Quebec. Water Sci and Technol. 1999;40(6):135-9.
  2. Varga C. Volatile organics in thermal spa waters: active ingredients or environmental toxicants. Thermae Spa Med. 2012;1(2):1-8.
  3. Rosenberg FA: The Microbiology of Bottled Water. Clinical Microbiology Newsletter.

Author Info

Deepika Pilli**
1Department of Life Sciences, Bangalore University, India

Citation: Pilli D (2021). What are the Benefits of Mineral Water in Terms of Health? J Pollut Eff Cont 9:301. doi: 10.35248/2375- 4397.21.9.301

Received: 03-Aug-2021 Accepted: 16-Aug-2021 Published: 23-Aug-2021 , DOI: 10.35248/2375-4397.21.9.301

Copyright: © 2021 Pilli D. This is an open access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License, which permits unrestricted use, distribution and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited.
