Variation of Isotope Coefficient with Number of CuO2 Layers in Hi
Journal of Physical Chemistry & Biophysics

Journal of Physical Chemistry & Biophysics
Open Access

ISSN: 2161-0398

+44 1478 350008

Research Article - (2017) Volume 7, Issue 1

Variation of Isotope Coefficient with Number of CuO2 Layers in High TC Superconductors

Shabir Bhat S1*, Masih P, Aziz MK2 and Banday AA2
1Department of Physics, Sam Higginbottom Institute of Agriculture Technology and Sciences, Allahabad, Uttar Pradesh, India
2Department of Chemistry, University of Allahabad, Allahabad, Uttar Pradesh, India
*Corresponding Author: Shabir Bhat S, Department of Physics, Sam Higginbottom Institute of Agriculture Technology and Sciences, Allahabad, Uttar Pradesh-211 007, India, Tel: 00917843895010 Email:


In this paper, an effort has been made to study the isotope coefficient in high TC Superconductors by using the variation of isotopic coefficient with the number of CuO2 layers and the variation of isotope coefficients on transition temperature TC . The Hamiltonian for CuO2 layers using BCS type model and extra term of interlayer interaction between CuO2 layers has been considered. Expressions for isotope effect (α) and transition temperature (TC) are obtained and numerically calculated for experimental values by using Green’s function technique.


Keywords: Isotope effect; CuO2 layers; Isotope coefficient; High TC superconductors


After the discovery of high TC cuprate superconductors in 1986 [1] at 35 K, the field is buzzing with research activities. Efforts to increase the transition temperature are currently going on. Till now the highest reached TC under pressure is 164 K in HgBa2Ca2Cu3O8+8 [2]. These cuprates have unconventional properties both in normal and superconducting state [3,4]. Till date there is no consensus on the origin of pairing mechanism. It is now widely suggested that spin fluctuation driven pairing mechanism provides a good agreement between theory and experiments [5]. However, there are several experimental observations which clearly indicate that this purely electronic picture is incomplete and lattice effects have to be taken into account [6-8]. Isotope shift of TC is regarded as the defining signature of superconducting pairing resulting from phonons. In high TC superconductors, a small isotope effect is found [9-11]. Suppression of this effect is not explained within conventional BCS theory which predicts that the critical temperature TC and isotope mass M are related by TC ∝ M where α=0.5 for all elements. To explain the small isotope effect in high TC compounds, many mechanisms including resonance valence bond [12], excitons [13], Plasmon’s [14] and antiferromagnetic spin fluctuation mediated pairing are proposed [15]. Daemen and Overhauser [16] found that the existence of a short-range attraction in addition to the conventional phonon pairing interaction suppresses the isotope effect significantly at high temperatures. Here we present the variation of isotope coefficients with number of CuO2 layers and the variation of isotope coefficients on transition temperature TC [17- 22]. As the trilayer material has highest (TC) in these cuprates but it has very small isotope coefficient (α). Clearly the argument that a mechanism other than an electron phonon interaction dominates the superconductivity based only on a small (α) in a cuprate with relatively high (TC) is inappropriate. The observed CuO2 layer dependence of the isotope effect indicates that the interlayer coupling between the adjacent CuO2 planes is necessary for superconductivity in layered cuprates [23-26]. For monolayer materials having lower (TC) the interlayer coupling plays a less important role and (TC) can be mainly controlled by the phonon coupling yielding a larger size of isotope coefficient with increasing the number of CuO2 layers in a unit cell, the interlayer coupling begins to play an important role in enhancing (TC) and the isotope effect is expected to be small.


The model Hamiltonian for our system can be described as





Where equation σdenote the fermions creation and annihilation operator respectively, k is the wave vector and σ is spin index for fermions.

In our present analysis we use a Green’s function, defining as

equation (2)

Equation of motion is written as


Evaluating the commutator equation using the Hamiltonian (1) we get


And writing the equation of motion as

equation (3)

Putting the value of commutator equation in equation (3) we get


equation (4)

Now we introduce the order parameter Δ such as


Where equation is another Green’s function which may be written as

equation (5)

This Green’s function may also be written in terms of equation of motion as

equation (6)

Evaluating the commutator equation using the Hamiltonian


Putting the commutator equation from (7) in equation (6) we get


But from the law of conservation of energy


equation (8)

In equation (4) we finally obtained the equation

equation (9)

Multiply (ω+Ek) in equation (9) and putting the value of equation from equation (8) then we get the Green’s function equation

equation (10)

Multiplying by (ω+Ek) in the equation (8) and putting the value of equation from equation (9) we get the Green’s function as



We know from equation (9)

equation (11)

Using the Green’s function, we can obtain the expression for order parameter Δmn and correlation parameter γ the order parameter Δmn may be written as

equation (12)

Correlation function equation is related to Green’s function equation

equation (13)

Where η=-1 for fermions, K=Boltzmann constant and T= Temperature

Green’s function equation andequation may be expressed as

equation (14)


equation (15)

equation (16)



equation (17)

Substitute both the Green’s function equation andequation from equation (13) and then after

solving we get correlation function.

equation (18)


Where η=-1



Put equation

equation (19)

equation Using in (19) we get

equation (20)

Then we can obtained the expression of or dr parameter Δir by substituting correlation function in equation (12)



Converting summation over K into integration with cut-off energy ħωD from the Fermi level we get

equation (21)

equation (22)

equationequation (23)



equation (24)

The Isotope effect coefficient is

equation (25)

Using equation (29) and (30) we get

equation (26)


equation (27)

Differentiating we get

equation (28)

Now from equation (24) we get

equation (29)

By solving equation (33), we get α as

equation (30)

The values of α and TC are calculated from equation (29) and (30) respectively for various values of different CuO2 layers (Table 1).

S No α   TC
1 0.05   37.586
2 0.1   30.772
3 0.2   20.627
4 0.3   13.827
5 0.4   9.268
6 0.5   6.212
7 0.6   4.164
8 0.7   2.791

Table 1: Table for values of (α) and (TC).

Results and Discussion

The numerical analysis of equation (29) and (30) have been calculated for different CuO2 layers taking equation .Figure 1a is plotted between isotope coefficient (α) and number of CuO2 layers (n) per unit cell. Figure shows that as increasing number of CuO2 layers per unit cell, isotope coefficient (α) linearly decreases. For n=1, the value of (α) is 0.34 and it decreases continuously with number of CuO2 layers. At n=3, isotope coefficient (α) is 0.1317 which is very low. This systematic reduction of isotope coefficient with increasing CuO2 layers indicates that isotope effect can be negligible for multilayer cuprates. This result is good agreement with experimental result made by Chen et al. Figure 1b is plotted between transition temperature (TC) and isotope coefficient. The curve shows that as increasing (α), the transition temperature exponentially decreases so for lower isotope coefficient TC will be maximum and TC decreases for higher values of (α). So we can say that as increasing number of CuO2 layers, (α) decreases and the transition temperature increases. This result also supported by Chakravarty et al.


Figure 1a: Isotope coefficient (α) VS number of CuO2 layers (n).


Figure 1b: Transition temperature (TC) VS Isotope coefficient (α).


First of all Hamiltonian for CuO2 layers using BCS type model and extra term of interlayer interaction between CuO2 layers has been considered, using this equation expression for isotope effect (α) and transition temperature (TC). Expression obtained is numerically solved using Green’s function technique and then the value of isotope effect (α) and transition temperature (TC) is calculated. The graph is plotted between isotopic coefficient and number of CuO2 layers. The second graph is plotted between isotope effect (α) and transition temperature (TC). Then conclusion is drawn comparing with available experimental result. The tri layer material has highest (TC) in these cuprates but it has very small isotope coefficient (α). Clearly the argument that a mechanism other than an electron-phonon interaction dominates the superconductivity based only on a small (α) in a cuprate with relatively high (TC) is inappropriate. The observed CuO2 layer dependence of the isotope effect indicates that the interlayer coupling between the adjacent CuO2 planes is necessary for superconductivity in layered cuprates. For monolayer materials having lower (TC) the interlayer coupling plays a less important role and (TC) can be mainly controlled by the phonon coupling yielding a larger size of isotope coefficient with increasing the number of CuO2 layers in a unit cell, the interlayer coupling begins to play an important role in enhancing (TC) and the isotope effect is expected to be small.


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Citation: Bhat S, Masih P, Aziz MK, Banday A (2017) Variation of Isotope Coefficient with Number of CuO2 Layers in High TC Superconductors. J Phys Chem Biophys 7: 237.

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