Journal of Political Sciences & Public Affairs

Journal of Political Sciences & Public Affairs
Open Access

ISSN: 2332-0761

+44 1300 500008

Research Article - (2022)Volume 10, Issue 2

Meseret Bekele Gelaye*
*Correspondence: Meseret Bekele Gelaye, Assistant Professor at Adama University, Ethiopia, Tel: 921685383, Email:

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Cultural relativism has generated considerable controversy since it has been in use but usually stresses that every culture is valid and equally worthy on its own terms. To this effect, this work encouragingly taken into account such idea of cultural relativism to enhance more to be used in the area of politics and social sphere, as an ideological backdrop in relation to diversity recognition and protection exist elsewhere. The recognition, respect, appreciation, protection and tolerance build of diversity and diverse identity is to mean the implementation of cultural relativism. In line with the recognition and protection of diversity and diverse identity in the area of governance and other related aspects has been related to natural rights or human rights and justice. With this regard, schools of thoughts are developed. Among such schools of thoughts, Sociorelativism, Politicorelativism and Econorelativism are the majors. The paper outlines the developed school of thought and presents how the three schools of thoughts can be used in the area of their respective specialties and concerning areas. As has been indicated above, the aim of developing such schools of thoughts has been to set foundation to build new area of specialty of political philosophy of cultural relativism as a new political ideology in the area of governance where diversity, need and interest at varying degree would be consideration given. Interrelating the three becomes the background for the foundation. The paper also includes the phases of cultural relativism ideological foundation for its implementation suitability.


Cultural relativism, Sociorelativism, Econorelativism, Politicorelativism, Neo cultural relativism, politico positivism


Different scholars vary to arrive at a concept of the term cultural relativism. As to Paul Olorunsola Florins cultural relativism is defined as the concept that states the way cultures, ways of life, styles of living, historical civilization, idea conceptualization, and all other diversity are treated in the ways once understand with others cultures, ways of life, styles of living, historical civilizations, idea conceptualization, and also others. To this understanding, the same author states that the facet to understand cultural relativism is related to the ways others judge the culture of others different from them not based on make use of their own as the standard of evaluation and conceptualizing of others but by its own ways of cultural understanding and ways of conceptualization. Based on this, what matters according to this conceptual understanding is that if the issue of the scheme some group of community conceptualize and understand other ways of life as well as cultures and other matters that make them differ from others that are in view of. In this sense, cultural relativism advocates the cross-cultural understanding for someone that considered as outsiders can learn to respect, appreciate and recognize the cultural practices that they do not share in equal manner.

Here, there are different elements that should be considered in the principle of cultural relativism. Among this, the very important and germane one is cultural diversity. This cultural diversity states having varied and diverse ways of living and cultures among a certain area of locality and even within or among a certain communities. In relation to such cultural diversity, issue of recognition, appreciation, toleration building among, and respect giving for such diversity is essential. This is to mean diversity exist across the globe among all known societies should be respected and recognized.

For such, more advanced cultural relativism with its own school of thought is also mandatory. This is for the purpose handling all round diversity and reality exist across the globe among the globally exist and known communities with the aim of working towards the recognition and protection of those diversities and realties regardless of geographical location of the settlement area of the mentioned diverse identity and indigenous practices embracing societies. This is to mean that the requisite of such cultural relativism enhancement to political sphere in relation to natural or human and democratic right storing up with its own schools of thoughts to handle all round diversity targeting to benefit all diverse having groups of communities has been unquestionable.

The issue of natural rights or human rights consideration issues in the Universal Declaration of Human Rights (1947) stated as “everyone is entitled to all the rights and freedoms set forth in the declaration, without distinction of any kind, such as race, color, sex, language, religion, political or other opinion, national or social origin, property birth and other status.” As such, natural rights considered with taking consideration any diversity issue as if absolute and natural as if the protectional work must be handled by all respective governments of the country that constitutes diversity any any aspect. The political arrangement must be suit for the existence protection of the diverse having community and its members. However, in the years after human rights issue and its universality consideration as stated within the Declaration become under attack in countries like china and others. With this regard, China is the country vocally overlooking the diversity recognition and protection by emphasizing the economic growth by officially stating “when poverty and lack of proper food are common place and people’s basic needs are not guaranteed, propriety should be given economic development” and other countries followed her foot steps in attacking diversity as well as human right in their respective countries and this should be diverted as the protection of human right become an integral part of fundamental rights issue [1]. If diversity and diverse identity along with human right would not be seen appropriately viewed interrelated with any kind of development while economic and political, the danger focusing on the latter become evident in violation of the rights of citizens living under arbitrary control as well as resulting inequitable wealth distribution as a certain group of community evidently marginalizing possible and stolen money among those regime handling individuals also commonly usual. As to Andargachew [1], stated and the target of this study, the resultant impact possibly seen in various Asian countries including Indonesia, China and others as to such went up to building family based commercial empire building taking place in a number of countries including in African continent. Therefore, diversity recognition based political freedom in line with equitable political protection for the targeted human beings of humanity reconsideration as if may have consequently impact positively for having more equitable economic wellbeing for all diverse communities as if possible as such.

In other case, the protection, recognition, respectful lever, appreciation and building tolerance among diverse communities, inculcation into political ideology towards fully implementation of such ideological based cultural relativism perspective in governance and administrative area is essentially obliged. Making such principle and philosophy of cultural relativism as a political ideology to run the governance of the country and empire is an apparatus to safeguard the natural right or human right. The natural right or human right violation largely or directly related to the absence of the recognition, respect and protection of diversity and diverse identity having communities. Rather than using such diversity as a source of conflict and a contrivance of tyranny regime building, making such as an apparatus of building up a political regime, working towards democratization and diversity consideration in relation to natural or human right as a guiding principle in political governance is essentially indebted.

Using such as an approach for the government and governed communities to be respect each other as well as inculcation and indoctrination of such diversity concern to be considerable regarded as an exquisiteness and elegance of grace at the national level where the country having diverse communities based on ethnicity, language, ways of living, historical civilization, political ideas and etc becomes suitable for livelihood leading in harmony and peaceful coexistent manner. The essentiality of harmonization and peaceful coexistent manner ways of live indication has been for all diverse and diverse having communities residing in the country. As political variety, expressing self in different way as to the collective ways of the community based as well to individual level elites also extensively taking into account according to the assumption of this newly developed and enhanced cultural relativism for utilization in the area politics for good governance.

Hence the study focus on the development of schools of thoughts in cultural relativism or diversity democracy as a new philosophical background of social theory in one hand and political philosophy on the other hand. With this regard, the study aims as i) to develop Sociorelativism school of thought ii) to build up Politicorelativism school of thought iii) to elucidate Econorelativism school of thought. The considered diversity in this study as if related to those benefiting as well considered as the identity implication of the society. As to such, the research is the new area coming up with the new perspective based political thoughts as if the three most important schools of thoughts are commonly developed and exhaustively analysed in the paper as the major objective of the manuscript.

Materials And Methods

Data collection method

For the purpose of this study, personal observation on the indigenous existing reality is used as major data collection technique. Besides this personal observation, consulting downloaded materials of secondary sources of information in the area of cultural relativism, political philosophy and political history with taking into consideration of change and continuity in the area of diversity handlement in certain countries considerable among the sources of information consulted.

Methods of analysis

As to such issue is concerned various themes of elements of cultural relativism have been treated as if taking into consideration of the causes of cultural relativism on one side and consequences of the implementation of such causes of cultural relativism on the other side as the study variables indicatively used for the sake of the development of the aforementioned schools of thoughts. Initially from this variable issue consideration, the first school of thought, Sociorelativism is developed and well analysed with all symbolic indication then followed by the development of the school of thought for the area of political philosophy called Politicorelativism and then the last one is Econorelativism in relation to the indigenous based production system reconsideration in the area of economic aspect. Finally phases of the cultural relativism for its full realization of the already stated objective in the socio-political and socioeconomic implementation has been highlighted.

Results & Discussion

Overview on cultural relativism in a new ways

As has been indicated above, about three schools of thoughts in the area of cultural relativism are developed and treated in this section as the major theme under discussion. The development of those schools of thoughts is based on the idea of diversity and diverse identity recognition and protection in social, economic and political aspect of accomplishment for the sake of benefiting at least a certain society based on their identity and indigenous practices they have performed as a norm and indigenous ways of feat. As to such benefit bearing, a certain norm and indigenous practices belong to certain society that have potential to bear advantage at least for the owned community is among the elements to be considered. Alongside with this, the possibility of exporting such indigenous based norms and indigenous in certain area of locality to other to benefit both the exporting and importing community residing at the origin and destination of such practices also consideration taken to build such ideology based school of thoughts of the mentioned perspective based ideological foundation.

The most important issue with regard to the base of the development of such schools of thoughts is simply the ideal of cultural relativism perspective developed by Franz Boas. Based on the advocacy of wrong assumption of judging others’ culture by making own as a standard in relation to the ideal of cultural relativism by the mentioned scholar, advancing such cultural relativism as a tool to recognize and protect diversity and diverse identity has been the most important theme taken into consideration in this study. As a new and more promoted idea, cultural relativism becomes an apparatus towards the recognition and protection of diversity and diverse identity. In other words, by making such ideal of cultural perspective inclusively as a political philosophy in the area diversity and specific area reality of indigenous practices reconsideration and protection, it is possible to work towards social freedom, equality, equity, justice by using appropriately in the area of governance and political administration. To realize the issue of protection, recognition, acceptance, respect, appreciation of diversity as the global heritage, the target behind has been considering the ideal of diversity based democracy building and promoting to fight against the impede of diversity and diverse identity. This is because hampering such diversity and diverse identity become the way dictatorial regimes impede the reality belongs to certain community as well as hold back natural rights or human rights in various countries across the globe. Such hold back of the reality belongs to certain community and their indigenous practices have been required appropriate political reconsideration as the mechanism to facilitate such indigenous based reality as the means to handle diversification of political ideas as a tool to manage political sphere across the globe for the respect of indigenous right based advocacy of human right. Advocacy for human right directly related to protecting what is existing among any community as an indigenous way of leading livelihood. Appreciating such is very imperative then followed by consideration and protection not only for the sake of benefiting the local community as if reconsideration of such to protect for the utilization among any community across the globe as the commonly whispered global heritage as if doable. So therefore, without discriminatory act the dimension of reconsideration and protection of diversification practices across the globe including those beneficial norms and values among varied localities of global communities with in different countries as far as the country is considered. For such purpose, philosophizing of such schools of thoughts based on the ideal of cultural relativism perspective foundation as the political ideology building is an appropriate contrivance to tackle such global based heritage destruction of the indigenous based realty and diversity across the global societies. As to such, the fully implementation of cultural relativism perspective might be the foundation of the diversity based democracy building called diversity democracy. This mechanism is an essential tool towards the protection and safeguarding of all diversity and diverse identity exist across the globe regardless of location difference. Working towards the realization of the protection of such practices also not only belongs to the people indigenously practicing such norms and indigenous practiced but the whole world communities. Likewise, the realization of such indigenous based practices as if directs relation with the working towards the respect of human rights.

As has been stated, the fundamental assumption of such recognition and protection of diversity and diverse identity directly related the protection of the reality exist across the globe developed since mythical time by the societies there as an indigenous. According to Elizabeth Zechenter (1997) if the cultural relativism overlooks the idea of internationalized or universalized human rights laws, working towards the protection and respect of human rights across the globe would be in problem. So therefore interrelating such issue of cultural relativism and universality of human right respect is obliged. Its static concept on culture must be changed and could include various diversity issues among the various communities. Its marginalization towards the non-dominant voices of diverse having communities residing in different countries must be changed. Leaving any community as well as individuals due to variety having and reflecting unprotected against rules, laws, governments and others in power must be derelict.

The protection of the reality and indigenous based practices has direct linkage with human or natural right protection and respect across the globe without any discrimination in relation to status, cultural norms, language utilized, past history, social class, economic standard, political idea and geographical location. This protection also encompasses the communal variety across the globe as well as individual need and interest based variety. However, the main important issue here is which comes first and which comes next as if supportive and auxiliary one as if must be taken into consideration. As to such assumption if individual right priority exists over communal identity based on culture, ways of live, language utilization and those elements of diversity mentioned above, the former might hampers the latter if the individuals might target hampering the communal diversity and diverse identity exist for self-centered project of benefit realization.

For such issue only consideration taken as not needed for self centered benefit fulfilling project at hand with consideration taken as ours is theirs and theirs is ours. But, for such protection based reality exist on the ground as if those belongs might considered such variety exist as ours and we benefit from such but others might consider as the potential danger of tackling the fulfillment of their need and benefit as if considering such as yours and ours might commonly came up with danger and endangering the livelihood of certain group of the targeted one due to the mentioned diversity or variety having from others specially from those who considered themselves as politically advantaged group as if economically as well as socially. But to tackle such mentioning of yours and ours based dialogue consideration of all as ours and we all benefit from all variety exist might be the tool to tackle division based on interest and unity might comes followed and respecting each other among the realized agenda as the common field of the area of having all common, benefiting from all ,hampering one becomes hampering others as if hampering not becomes the fundamental assumption of diversity democracy in the area of building the school of thought of Politicorelativism as if the background or the cornerstone of such work is the ideal of cultural relativism of Franz Boas and his disciplines. The assumption of targeting community based variety exist to realize self centered project of having political regime to benefit certain community of having attachment with in some area as if targeting community based variety exist for the sake of such self centered project of benefiting such as if propaganda might be political inclusiveness or territorial integrity or national unity or economic growth over human and democratic right mentioning as if considered to be danger of destructing global heritage of the reality exist among various communities across the globe and using such as for personal enrichment at an individual level as if impossible. On other words, targeting community based reality as a potential danger that might block from fulfilling personal benefit over communal diversity protection is wrong according to Politicorelativism. As to such communal based identity and realty consideration prioritizing as if individual based protection of taking consideration with competition taking hold usually possible. In this way hampering diversity and individual based need fulfillment protection possibly taking into consideration well. For the implementation each and every elements of cultural relativism at least paper based enactment of laws has become the minimal standard to state the country has been taking into account cultural relativism. In other words, paper based existence as a law to fully implement the ideal of cultural relativism aiming to recognize and protect diversity, diverse identity in the certain country has been the background, and the minimum standard for the county to declare such country has considered the ideal of cultural relativism. Such law is simply the law that has potential to recognize and safeguard diversity and diverse identity at least within the respected country. As far as the long term objective is considered, as the tool of safeguarding and protecting the reality and beneficial indigenous practices exist among various communities across the globe as the global heritage that have required protection and reconsideration. As has been indicated above, the recognition and protection of the right of such community has also directly related to the stated protection of diversity and diverse identity recognition and safeguarding of the respective community. With this regard, law based existence of the reconsideration of the elements of cultural relativism should be the minimum standard of the perspective based existence of cultural relativism consideration in any country with regard to the issue of political regimes handling of the issue of diversity and diverse identity. Besides, not only the existence of the mentioned laws as if issue of consideration in the political philosophy but its implementation and constitutionalization or functional taking into account is obliged and such implementation and taking into effect any law of such country must consideration taken to be evaluated and its implementation project realization as if respection and protection of such issues of cultural relativism means directly related indigenous based exist realty among communities of the globe throughout the globe as if its evaluation of course possible based on the benefit it bears for the diversity and diverse identity having communities.

Benefiting the whole community of the nation is the target taken into consideration as if hindrance might be occurred as if up to the implementation of cultural relativism fully reached at matured stage as if minimum standard of the consideration has been the existence of the law based or the constitution based existence of cultural relativism as if the last of the matured stage as if fully realization with regard to the implementation taking into considered as if mentioning such laws alone doesn’t be enough its implementation is very essential as if paper based existence as if dictatorial regime might show the existence of cultural relativism on paper its implementation as if fully utilize time as such countries across the globe nowadays become dictatorial by mentioning only the paper based existence of democratic laws but this might the instrument to combat such propaganda based existence of cultural relativism as if democratization should inclusive for all communities within the country based on equality, equity, justice in the area of politics, economy as well as social context. Benefiting a certain community members means that potential of neutral hindrance might be occurred to some extent for the rest at least until the perspective reached at its matured stage. However, as to the principle and philosophy of cultural relativism, bearing cost on the certain group of community and community members intentionally for the sake of benefiting others could be impossible. As to such diversity democracy consideration taking of cultural relativism perspective usually aiming at making advantage of all diverse groups without directly hampering any diversity and diverse communities of having own identity and indigenous practices of state hold .

Likewise, what is important according to the cultural relativism perspective of diversity democracy is targeted to fully practice each and every elements of cultural relativism where all diversity exist as well diverse identities have been fully recognized both at the community as well as individual based diversity, need and interest specially at the matured stage. As to the phase of cultural perspective for the sake of implementation, cultural relativism perspective of ideology based foundation intuitionally categorized as first cultural relativism then followed by neo cultural relativism and then the last one is Politicopositivism or Positivism. As to such, the latter is the matured juncture where every diversity at individual level of existence of need, interest and talent based diversity mainly taking into recognition and managed for the fulfillment of such. However, in this paper, only the first ideology based cultural perspective exhaustively dealt with and the last two minimally touched and other comprehensive study on the latter will be followed. For the purpose of analysis and evaluation of the implementation of cultural relativism perspective specially based on the relativist law formulated at least at a country level for its implementation period, it is possible to quantify based on the realization of the goal of the perspective of cultural relativism by taking into account those considered as causes of cultural relativism in one hand and the consequences the implementation of such causes bear in the other hand. In this aspect, indication of Sociorelativism diversity issuance must be taking into consideration in the evaluation of all schools of thoughts.


Sociorelativism is the school of thought in the area of social theory belongs to social science fields of specialties based on the idea of handling the existed diversity, heterogeneity, diverse interest, norms, values and diverse identity at the communal level. This school of thought also includes diversity in the area of ethnicity, language, culture, ways of live, and other diverse aspects across the globe regardless of geographical existence.

 In line with diverse issuance of Sociorelativism, all diverse exist across the globe must be respected, accepted, appreciated, recognized, tolerated, promoted as the indigenous based entity at least if exists among the certain known community with in the world or in some parts of the globe. Building tolerance among diverse group of communities to facilitate interconnection and intercommunication among them is the essential aim of this school of thought. However, the target area of Sociorelativism as a school of thought is considerable in the area of diversity in relation to indigenous culture, religion, history, norms, values, ethics, social practices, conflict resolution mechanisms, indigenous based handling administrative system and other related norms within the community that have built for long since mythical time.

Sociorelativism in cultural relativism is the schools of thought that pursue engagement, understanding and cultural exchange between cultures, so that different cultures can co-exist peacefully and without dislocating and displacing each other as well as from the government side of the regime taking hold power. Therefore, to realize this, Sociorelativism ways of handling diversity inclusively advocates formulation of laws and policies that induces the presence of several diverse cultures together so that diverse cultures can co-exist together in harmony and promote unity in diversity and tolerance. To achieve this, fully implementation of such laws, policies and other elements regarded as the causes of cultural relativism has been essentially painstaking.

With this regard, the diverse exist in certain locality or elsewhere across the globe in respect to culture, language, religion, history including variety in political ideas in relation to alternative political ideology mentioning should be tolerated, recognized, appreciated, accepted and not judged inappropriate way. The ideal of Sociorelativism could pave the way to the aforementioned recognition, tolerance build up and creating opportunities to come up with socially beneficial elements among intra and inter communities as well consequences of cultural relativism to be sustained well. The indigenous based variety and heterogeneity taking into considered indicatively not only limited to certain area but also the variety exists across the globe on the area of various social issues. However, for consideration its significance appropriately managed and evaluated. That is to mean the scope of diversity and variety mentioning is not only limited to those elements stated above but also those able to bear various socially beneficial significances for the diverse identity having global communities without hampering any.

In the area of cultural relativism, Sociorelativism is against the issue of consideration in the area of postmodernism scholarly research as well as consideration and assumption area. In this regard to postmodernism area of consideration cultural norm, social values, indigenous practiced performances and working for the credential protection of such usually seen as a critique against modernity. In similar indication of postmodernism view in relation to cultural studies’ methodological building and thematic area and its exhaustive analysis of concern in relation to the fundamental assumption it belongs as to such by no means the consideration of postmodernism critique alongside with the issue of various indigenous norms, cultures, values, performance or practices regarding those as outdated, not go with modernity period of time, as well as norming against modernity in the name of antiscience critique detailing consideration giving acceptable. However, issues of indigenous practices equivocally first, its relation with the reality belongs to humanity and humanity itself is unquestionable. Likewise, working against humanity and the reality belongs to humanity never be considered as modernity and science based critiques consideration. Secondly, issues related indigenous practices never be detached with science and reality as the background of any and every elements of science and innovative acts by itself also rooted from various indigenous practices exist anywhere across the globe at least among or belongs to a certain known community or society. And also the relation the aforementioned discussion of reality among humanity and humanity have with human and democratic rights expected to be safeguarded by every community in aggregate or its members each also unquestionable. This is because the impact of such directly related to the peacefully leading of livelihood manner with other neighboring communities as prevalence of peace as prevalence of peace has also direct relation to the consideration of reality among all communities. Finally peace matter become among the tool of development and welfare issue in equitable way without rigid partiality building that targeted to benefit some in expense to others having diverse in some aspect. As to such postmodernist critiques against cultural relativism work of indigenous practices’ recognition, respect, appreciation and works for the consideration of the reality exist across the globe among the globally exist a certain community as to such issues of human right also consideration taken in the issue of indigenous reality protection that might also big relationship or attachment with human or natural right issue conscious building among various cultural groups with having practices of various norms and values as well as the major assumption according to cultural study area schools as “view culture as something that people continually negotiate over with each other, rather than” forcefully considered must share up that might lead to assimilation later. And such postmodernist based assumption must be reacted against by cultural relativist scholarly works as such totally taking into consideration in Sociorelativism.

The assumption to be considered in the area of Sociorelativism is ample as the impact of building up tolerance as well as recognition and safeguarding the diversity and diverse having communities in any social entity could pave the way towards respecting and protecting the right of diverse group of communities, protecting the diverse exist as the global level existing heritage. The evaluation of its implementation also aimed at making beneficiary or advantageous of those populations having significant diverse indigenous social entities. Any indigenous based diversity never be hampered or targeted to be hampered as if those side effect having with long term education based awareness creation or building even with caution of reason outing with reasonable researchable evidence support such as early marriage, female genital mutilation cases, etc. As if other socially acceptable norms of practices, social values, communal diversity based on religion, ethnicity, culture, language and other elements never targeted to be hampered but should be respected, protected and promoted as the global heritage.


Politicorelativism is a political philosophy to the way cultural relativism has become an ideology that paves the way to the fully implementation and practice of the ideals and norms of Sociorelativism diversity recognition and protection in the area of political sphere to come up with inclusive good governance that aims to achieve the benefit for all diverse groups whether taking hold communal diversity or individual’s need and interest. Alongside with this, stating variety in relation to idea and ideological based assumption or having variety in the area of political idea and ideology should also be considered as the application of cultural relativism in the area of politics and good governance has been essential to work towards benefiting the communities as the whole. Likewise, such stance has been also recognized and respected according the principle and philosophy of the school of thought of Politicorelativism. If cultural relativism would undermine democratic building in relation to diversity and diverse identity, meaningful move towards the realization of inclusive democratic building across the globe would be difficult.

With diversity issuance in politics [2], among the elements of diversity “the choice of a particular language in a multilingual society symbolizes the power held by one group over others.” This signifies that the respective consideration of the specific diversity element as an official status being given that status of officiality for the respective community having chosen diversity element has become a sign of domination. For long in Ethiopia since the formation of modern Ethiopia with current boundary demarcation as the modern state sense of state making, culturally and linguistically making Amharic language alone as the official language and working language of Ethiopia. Such one language policy with appropriate mentioning of other single cultural domain as an official notably negatively affected other cultural domain that exists indigenously in the same country. Its side effect on marginalizing other cultural domains and state owning towards certain Amharic language speaking elites commonly seen for long at least since recently. It is for such domain-based discrimination rather than ignoring recently at least five languages indigenously exist nominated for the purpose of the working language for Ethiopian federal government level structurally exists. However, those nominee languages for federal exist structure has served as the working language in their respective regional state in the federally arranged state and political structure among the respective natively speaking communities. But also along with serving as the working language in the respective regional state among the community natively used, serving as a school language at least at elementary level education as a mother tongue has been taken place since the present government assumed power in 1991. In line with this other than making all languages as equally consideration taken usually making priority towards certain languages or single language as a working and educational language become significantly negatively impacted others cultural and livelihood domain of the respective community of the latter. This is usually possible to say pave the way towards discrimination and marginalization what exists among the overlooked communities as well as the respective communities itself. Because it significantly in touch with various issues including the discriminately action taken by the government bodies that attached themselves with such discriminately national policy including at work place beginning from the time of the opportunity hindering during searching of jobs. Such discriminately policy mainly limiting the employment opportunity against the communities members natively used the overlooked language at the state level. Because such discriminately job, opportunity indicatively requires fluency in all language skills of the mentioned official language. Not only hindering from job opportunity but also hindering from school having for children also common. As to such not only language consideration as an official one but also other elements given official status different from those diversity exist within the country as to such leading to a sort of domination on others commonly as usual as well as its negative impact on communities’ worth possibly undeniable.

On the same issue has been indicated in the background of this study inculcation of diversity into economic and political development as the same author stated that never be fully worked towards the realization of inclusive wellbeing [3]. This is because, according to the same author, arrangement in political context and administrative structure if suited for the protection and recognition of diversity and diverse identity having heterogeneous communalities of own country fully working towards the realization of the stated inclusive development and prosperity become possible and apparent. As to such if not taking into considered in line with equitable political protection, its jeopardy and threat would be apparent and obvious in violation of the citizens making them living under tyranny based livelihood leading of arbitrary ruling. Alongside with this, resultant impact holding family based building economic empire as if more leading to more polarized and an inequitable distribution of wealth as marginalized community become more marginalized and become poor as the regime holding family based abusing the resources of the nation as polarizing the livelihood among them and the marginalized communities across the globe in unfairly manner of manipulating way than leading to the abundance and advancement for all inclusively. Likewise such livelihood is endangered and losing life issue also imminent as request for inclusive governance and fair inclusion in the national issue to decide on own affair of the diverse identity having community on their own fate by diverting those self-cantered behaving to enrich own group of family based on building the economic and political empire in unmanageable way by the majority for the sake of enriching and controlling the resources of the country aiming to prolong the regime holding power as if personal cult building also among the political aim to make self-cantered advantageous foundation laying as those make them the supporters of the majority of the marginalized community specially economically as consideration taken similar to the welfare state but self-controlling the politics of the country become the prior aim of those politicians to hide their dictatorship political followance of the way those leading the country and treat the population of the country to show up they have the concern of the popular wellbeing of their country as if unfair building the political empire as if obviously seen by others as if building self-cantered empire in the economy and political sphere of the country by few those leading the political governance inappropriate way as if obviously seen and apparent. For the above mentioned reason the unfair utilization by ignoring certain diverse having community for the purpose of leading the globe towards inclusive and fairly realization of abundance and advancement for all diversity must be taking hold in place of such undemocratic way state based tyranny building [4,5].

The fundamental assumption behind this school of thought is usually bringing the idea of cultural relativism as to the extent to which various diverse groups of communities in any aspect would be given and able to exercise their rights with in any political system and under regime handling the governance of their countries and empires. In this regard, their diverse having must be recognized, tolerated, appreciated, accepted, safeguarded, protected and respected lawfully as well such diversity issues also equally handled by the government having power in the respective countries and empires. The foundation of diversity equality also equivocally with equalities in the area of respecting, safeguarding and protecting human and natural rights. In the political stance relating diversity equality with the reality exist among any community on the ground must be taking into account. The linkage of these elements directly created opportunities of managing human and democratic right concern. At the state level, the case ultimately linked to the abilities and capacities of protecting the natural or human rights of the communities in general as well as for each member of the communities in particular. Considering the reality, exist among any community means that protecting and safeguarding what they own. Protecting and safeguarding what they own lead to safeguarding their rights. This is because, if what the community own is respected and accepted, such issue partially or utterly linked with the existence of peace, absence of violence as a result of un recognition and un protection of diverse reality among the existed communities created an opportunity to lead peaceful livelihood. Peacefully coexistent living together among those nearby to each other by tolerating each other’s diverse having without demarcating rigid boundary line among them that residing neighbourhood within the same country or empire as well as among the neighbouring countries or empires. Alongside with communal diversity and diverse identity respect and protection or safeguarding identically, the individual diversity issue based on individual’s need and interest that target to realize own self cantered benefit or to make self-advantageous. For the latter purpose also the state level intervention obliged systematically partly to make them advantageous by realizing the aimed benefit usually in relation to need and interest fulfilling at the individual level on one hand and partly to not hamper the community based diversity exist within the country for the purpose of self-cantered benefit achievement by those individuals seeking self-cantered benefit orientation intentionally or unintentionally [6,7]. Therefore, systematic intervention for both purpose at the state level possibly issued according to the Politicorelativism perspective school of thought in cultural relativism.

However, systematic intervention by the name of protecting and safeguarding diversity never be mismatched with the state intervention for political purpose to endanger the potentially considered as able to challenge and jeopardize the political power of the regime holders that handling the politics of the state. Never target any diversify either the case of community based diverse and diverse identity exist or individual based variety in line with competencies for political purpose to make weak the potential having or considered as challenger in the area of political context in the country with the governing body of the time. As to such diversity hampering for the case of self-benefiting at any situation to hamper the challenger and potential having means weakening the able proficient and competent that can contribute a lot not only at the local or country level but also for the globe of benefiting at least the global citizens in specific localities. Especially if the state directly intervene for political purpose, it can possibly hamper the diversity exist among the communities as well at individual level as to such weakening the able proficient means that hampering the strong, the able doer for the globe as if consideration of hampering means that challenging the governing bodies and elites at the local level. In line with this diversification of able proficient having of able and competent bodies of individuals with ample competencies, hampering those means equally common in relation to the issue of targeting to hamper those overlooked diversity owning communities of individuals born and grow among the respective communities simple if expressing a voice the problem exist among the respective communities. Likewise, this usually taking consideration having as targeting the able proficient means equally taking into consider of capacity building to hamper and weaken the community of those voice expressing elites of individuals belongs. As to such hampering individuals partly due to their personal competencies fear created among the regime holders become the voice for the voiceless overlooked communities they are born and grow in as ignoring possibly achieved if successfully held back at least intimidate those able professionals means possible to hidden the right violation taking place on the targeted communities as to such must be divert equally with other right issues belongs to the individual level as well as the community level exist diversity. Hampering such mean that must be considered as destructing global based beneficial entities of able proficient elites as an individual based as well as hampering the needed indigenous practices those possibly grow up with import and export among varies locality exist across the globe as well as as based on individual competencies targeting to weaken the able proficient and the challenger means that hampering the competent and able doer for the benefit of the global communities as well as the citizens if the United Nations [8].

However, such individual level exist diversity based on need and interest fulfillment must be equivocally open for competition. The open competitive issue must be taken into account the talent, knowledge, skill as well as other required competencies the individual reflect but open for competition means never taken into consideration to hamper any diversity at the individual based on aforementioned here above as well as communal diversity exist as the diverse and diverse identity must be safeguarded by the community as well as by the state .State level intervention to protect all diversity exist as if possible if needed. As to such both communal based diversity and individual need and interest based variety also taking into consideration.

The right of diverse groups must be balanced by evaluating the nature of implementation of the causes of cultural relativism such as laws, respected policies as to its evaluation must be consideration taking with the natural rights of absence of violence against the diverse having group means both human and democratic right consideration as if possible as if indigenous based consideration taking as if obliged usually. The real relativist regime allows dignity, real democracy and human right as if natural right protection for all diverse group without any discrimination allowed for personal enrichment and governance handling project for long undemocratically by hampering the diverse having from them of the regime handing at a time. For long diversity is considered as the potential danger for the national unity as if the mentioning of the territorial integrity as if common among such African and Asian countries still hampering diversity as to such China is commonly issued at international level among. As to such universal human rights, issue must be exclusively attached with the issue of diversity respect and recognition as if the reality on the ground consideration taking must be included in politics. The protection and recognition of their right has direct relation with the protection of human and democratic right. The impact of any elements of cultural relativism or causes of cultural relativism possibly evaluated or weigh with the benefits it bears to the society [9,10].

As to this, in the area of good governance, diversity issue must be among the criteria to be expected and taking into consideration. That is to mean the issue of good governance must be taking into account the subject of the diversity recognition and safeguarding. That means the concern of newly adopted cultural relativism taking hold elements of cultural relativism of the reality on the ground among various communities as an indigenous based practices as among the elements good governance. Besides, in view of such issue of diversity in mind means that possible to have an alternative instrument of having own matter of handling communal issues in the own country’s territory for the whole residents regardless of the aforementioned heterogeneity. Treatment of diversity might be related to handling the reality exists among every community having diverse realities and identities. Handling in appropriate way and recognition of such reality among such diverse having communities should be among the mandates of good governance since its appropriate way of handling has direct linkage with the protection of natural or human rights concern. For the purpose of making the country suitable for its citizens in a democratic way of governance as good governance means that having reality consideration and related such with the matter of the principle of democratic governance including within the development of political and other context based institutions of the respective countries as well taking into consideration at a time of structural building for the sake of nation building aiming to benefit the whole population whether at collective communal level based rights’ respect and protection as well also individual based preferences and need fulfilment without compromising the communal based exist diverse identity within the respective country. With this regard, diversity protection has become directly related to safeguarding human and basic principles of democratic rights. Likewise, such consideration has very essential in promoting and building diversity based democracy in every corner of the globe everywhere regardless of the locality situated of those countries constituting diversity. As to such, one can say diversity democracy, civil democracy as well as cultural democracy based existence of democratic as well nation building. However, diversity democracy is the appropriate terminology for such cultural relativism based Politicorelativism school of thought democratic building and nation building in inclusive way since cultures and civil issues are among the elements of diversity indicatively issued among any community. As to such the general and aggregate way inclusively included those diverse elements such as culture as well as civil issue terminologically possible diversity democracy.


This school of thought developed in the area of economic aspect consideration of diverse having economic elements among various communities as an indigenous practices specially consideration of the ways production system as an indigenous ways taking into account. At least coming up with such indigenous ways of production system with particular reference to foodstuff having organic nature to make use at the global level by taking into account its indigenously consideration and credential approval at the international market. Such diversity in the area of production system as to the name indigenous to certain community as native performance of the production system of economic activities taking at to the global market nominally with credential honoring as to interconnecting the global market based globally known community as commonly possible. For such realization globally based indigenous economic activities to have organic nature having foodstuff based on nature built organic nature having anciently began production system based produced foodstuff consideration attaching such with cultural relativism issue has been possible for the case making advantageous the globally exist world communities with what they have from globally exist naturally built natural resources as to such belongs to them.

In others instances in respect to Econorelativism School of thought other than indigenous based production system and other indigenous based economic context, indigenous community knowledge based natural resources conservation is also mandating under this category of this school of thought in cultural relativism. Water resource conservation based on indigenous community based knowledge, forest and environmental protection in relation to the one always mentioned in the Gada egalitarian system of the Oromo of Ethiopia inclusively possible to include is such school of thought as its major elements. This is because other than separating as an independent school of thought in cultural relativism by taking into consideration its intense impact on economic wellbeing of the community such as natural resource conservation and mitigation issue of protection including in Econorelativism is fair and mandatory taking into account under such is possible to manage easily as to the case of conservation of any natural resource having impact on economic context of the population residing anywhere across the globe possibly issued.

Neo cultural relativism

The issue of cultural relativism perspective based recognition and protection of diversity and diverse identity in line with human or natural rights issue will generally not be able to be realized in short period of time. Because of this, its implementation taking into considers phases. Based on this, the first and nominally various countries on the way taking it hold recently while nomenclature might be varying is cultural relativism perspective. The initial phase followed by the newly developed phase of neo cultural relativism. Moreover, the last and nominally the matured state that followed Neo cultural perspective is Political positivism or Politico positivism. The last one mentionally taking hold when all diversity including up to individual level exist need and interest become fulfilled in accordance with the case diversity at communal level exist totally achieved and living with abundance of livelihood of all members.

Equivocally taking consideration the needs and interest of individual level as to the existing diversity and also consideration taking of the global based heritage diversity based consideration taking of communal based indigenous ways of living, norms, values, ethics and including indigenous production system among communities exist across the globe in political implementation. And also consideration of taking into account of the individual based need and interest realization making it to the state affair as if largely begin at this phase of the cultural relativism perspective of the usual ideological indication as if working for the realization of the protection, recognition and promotion of the communal based indigenous benefit having belongs to the community might reach at the matured stage as if its fully implementation as if fully practiced making advantageous from such diverse existed the whole concerned community fully or partially as if taking into account and of accomplishing for the need and interest of the individual based fulfilment might be began at this phase of the ideological perspective.

Politico positivism or positivism

Political positivism is the last phase and the matured stage of cultural relativism ideological perspective that followed the neo cultural relativism based on the assumption of ideological foundation working across the globe towards the realization of protection, respect, appreciation, recognition, toleration and promotion of the ideology by fully implementing diversity democracy and combating any means of its hampering diversity at an individual level by as any diversity including at individual level must be considered as world heritage. Likewise, protecting and respecting fully across the globe among any global societies of any countries across the globe as well as individual based needs, interest and talent based taking a place for the fully achieving diversity democracy. Fulfilling the individual level welfare being for all not only at the communal level but also needs and interest of at individual level must be fully fulfilled or realized . So therefore, advantage gaining equivocally without hampering diversity at the communal as well as individual level is commonly issued in the cultural relativism as the last Politicopositivism mainly deal with the implementation of individual level need fulfillment. Consideration taking of accomplishing for the need and interest of the individual based fulfillment largely belongs to the state.


As has been indicated in the paper cultural relativism as a terminology coming into being in early 20th century and now this research coming up with new area to advance more the cultural perspective to use such in the recognition of diversity and human right aspect. For such three independent schools of thoughts are developed as well as an ideological foundation of the perspective of cultural relativism three additional ideological foundation also developed that should be implemented one after the other to realize the respect of and recognition of diversity in a full manner as well as the protection of human right across the globe.


Author Info

Meseret Bekele Gelaye*
Assistant Professor at Adama University, Ethiopia

Citation: Meseret BG (2022) School of thoughts in Cultural relativism and it’s phases in ideological aspect of politics as a tool to handle diversity. J Pol Sci Pub Aff. 10: 001.

Received: 15-Mar-2022 Editor assigned: 17-Mar-2022 Reviewed: 31-Mar-2022 Revised: 07-Apr-2022 Published: 14-Apr-2022 , DOI: 10.35248/2332-0761.22.10.001

Copyright: © 2022 Meseret BG. This is an open-access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original author and source are credited.
