Expression the New Model of Psychology and the Perfect Treatment
Journal of Psychology & Psychotherapy

Journal of Psychology & Psychotherapy
Open Access

ISSN: 2161-0487

+44 1478 350008

Opinion Article - (2016) Volume 6, Issue 2

Expression the New Model of Psychology and the Perfect Treatment for Disordered Moods

Heydari Saied*
Bu-Ali Sina University, Darab-Tizab Rural District, Fars-Shiraz, Hamadan, Iran
*Corresponding Author: Heydari Saied, Bu-Ali Sina University, Darab-Tizab Rural District, Fars-Shiraz, Hamadan, Iran, Tel: +9807153603046 Email:


Basic laws and definitions discussed at first for clarifying general psychology of treatment. In continuation discussed about perfect method for treating mental patients in wide range of diseases. There are logical and difficult relation between primary laws and other laws related to treatment method. Mood theory explains creation of human moods and how traumatic event can expand. Rescuer enters patient in treatment process and by Rescuer therapist can near to main traumatic events. Patient reminds traumatic events related to certain disordered mood by Ego reaction law. Each damaged mood has a specific and same-kind traumatic event. By removing Ego’s failure beliefs about having the capabilities and as well as failure beliefs about ignoring the second feelings, therapist can be reached to the desired results.


Keywords: Ego; Mind; Feeling’s experience; Beliefs; Ego reaction law; Tree of traumatic event


According to Mr. Sigmund Freud’s theory, humans consist of entities, Ego and Superego. Mind of mental patient consist of consciousness mode and unconsciousness mode that these two parts appear independently. In the process of repression, disordered moods become reinforced. Psychologist divided two general groups. Mind psychologists say mind has major role in personality formation while condition psychologists say human environment has a main role in personality formation. Freud represents two general methods to treat patients. In one of method, requested from patient that he utters anything freely. In other method, demanded from patient that he tells childhood memories and he has conversation with therapist about these memories. When Human encounters with need’s satisfaction, first he thinks and later he experiences feelings and finally he acts [1,2].

Definitions and Terms

Human composed of entity and feelings. Entity has two general natures. The first nature of entity related to human capabilities and has various parts. The second nature of entity too has different parts and it causes different needs of human. Ego is the system within human.

Ego utilizes capabilities inside first nature of entity and he responds to needs that derived of second nature of entity with help of mind and feeling’s experience. About the mind and feeling’s experience and how Ego applies them, explained in continuation.

Feeling is process in human that it experiences and it has two general nature. The first nature of feelings related to level of entity’s capabilities that Ego use of them to respond to own needs and also first feelings related to Ego’s utilization abilities from entity’s capabilities. First nature of entity has various parts. Better or worse experience of first feelings, depends on amount of entity’s capabilities and Ego’s utilization abilities of entity’s capabilities, these experiences haven’t limitation. The second nature of human’s feelings experiences badly when human damages himself or capabilities of another humans for having better experiences of first feelings. Human’s second feelings experience goodly when he doesn’t damage to himself or abilities of another humans and second feeling also has various parts. Seems there is the essence about development in human’s capabilities. Divisions of entity and feelings are defined as first entity, second entity, first feelings and second feelings.

There is an important relation between two nature of feelings, if for better experience of one of first or second feelings, ignored the another feeling, it will be created the essence response in Ego that it opposed ignoring. In the mathematical expression, multiplication of two feelings is constant. If you want to realize the importance of this law, you can look on history and you will be saw that the important events such as wars, religions and so on are occurred when one of first or second feelings are ignored.

Much of human capabilities located in mind. Mind comprehends any kinds of data and it saves data and also mind better utilizes data by argument power. Other important ability of mind is imagination power. In go on will be explained several definition and how Ego applies mind and feeling’s experience.

The amount of human’s capabilities called talents. When Ego applies the abilities to respond to needs called needs are satisfying. Ego utilizes tools for need’s satisfaction that they called motivation. When human applies own entity’s capabilities and he satisfies needs by motivations, called he is staying on processing of behavior and form of these behaviors called moods. First and second feelings save in human in form of felling’s experience.

When human stays on need’s satisfaction for the first time (in childhood), Ego utilizes motivation satisfies needs by helping of himself talents and other human’s patterns of needs satisfaction in environment. At this moment, the various data save in the mind and various first and second feelings save in feeling’s experience about how it responded to needs. In the next encounter with same satisfaction, Ego utilizes motivation on unconscious mode. Ego utilizes mind and feeling’s experience on unconscious mode in same condition in future. Ego uses mind and feeling’s experience on conscious mode when Ego faces new situations in environment, new motivations and changing in needs. At this moment Ego responds to needs by himself talents and other human’s patterns again and also Ego saves the new data in mind and new experiences in feeling’s experience and this process will go on in human’s life. Don’t forget mind has argument and imagination power and good or bad experiencing of needs have saved in feeling’s experience.

Ego evaluated by himself and other humans in environment about satisfaction of needs. How did apply abilities and how did respond to needs appropriate with first and second feelings. Thus Ego concludes about himself and other’s capabilities, (other can be human or real and unreal creatures that data received from it to Ego), and also Ego concludes about response to second feelings by own or other humans. Ego’s conclusion about own and other humans called beliefs. Beliefs save and apply by Ego resemble to other data. For example, we all have belief that we can’t lift 2000kg weight. Effects that Beliefs create in Ego, are called Ego orientation. If considered a primary balance between first and second feelings, changing in this balance will be created beliefs and consequently will be created Ego orientation. Whenever changing in balance be sharp, Ego orientation will be Ego teen orientation.

Mood theory explains the process of mood’s formation. The new moods of human form in basis of Ego orientation about past moods, mind and feeling’s experience and also new environment’s situations. With regarding to relation between human needs, various motivations, environment situations and also various talents of humans, there are a great difference between human moods while needs are similar among humans.

There is an important law when Ego utilizes mind and feeling’s experience, although feelings experience independently but they effects on Ego by help of mind. Data about needs are limited in mind with any values thus there is a mind’s range for each of needs. Feelings haven’t restriction but they give orientation to Ego, depend on mind’s range. At the time needs satisfaction, on a conscious mode or unconscious mode, Ego first utilizes mind (thinking) later he utilizes feeling’s experience and then he satisfies needs and again Ego uses of mind and then he experiences feelings.

Ego sometimes evaluates own generally. Ego measures how much he has been successful about abilities and having good second feelings. Ego’s goal is having high first kind of feeling without ignoring second kind of feelings.

Ego utilizes mind’s imagination power to develop and having better feeling’s experience. Ego imagines situations that they can be happened for him and he plans to encounter better with these situations in future. At any time Ego hasn’t certain ability, his imagination are away from reality about having this certain ability that this imagination called dreams.

Traumatic Events

Any event causes disordered moods (Ego teen orientation), called traumatic event. There are two general kind of traumatic events, whenever at the certain occasion, performance of certain ability becomes very weak extremely by Ego, there will be failure beliefs in Ego about having certain ability and this kind of events called first kind of traumatic events. When human ignores second feelings about certain need and condemned by own or others extremely, there will be created failure beliefs in Ego about having good second feeling’s experience and this kind of events called second kind of traumatic events. When human targeted by traumatic events in certain need, according to mood theory, effect of traumatic event spreads with over time. This diffusion depends on intense of failure beliefs, environment’s situations, relation between damaged need with other needs and human’s talents. There will be new traumatic events in later of certain traumatic event’s occurrence because of failure beliefs about certain traumatic event.

If failure beliefs (teen beliefs) of new traumatic events were same kind with first traumatic event called occurred subsidiary traumatic (sub-traumatic) event and first traumatic event called main traumatic event (generating event). Also if new traumatic events haven’t same kind teen beliefs with first traumatic event called a new main traumatic event created. Generally main traumatic events can be created independently. When traumatic event happens for human, Ego gets on conscious mode and he saves data of teen beliefs and also others information in mind and Ego saves experiences in feeling’s experience. In later with end up with same situations, Ego has a damaged mood and he satisfies need on unconscious mode. When Ego encounters with new case about damaged need, Ego becomes on conscious mode about feeling’s experience and any data in mind, except data relating to beliefs. Thus Ego can’t have undamaged mood because he doesn’t get on conscious mode about beliefs and Ego saves new data and new experiences about new fail. Resemble to person tests lifting 2000kg weight at once and in the future he believes, he can’t lift it and he won’t tests it once again.

One of indication of traumatic event’s existence is repression. Repression often occurs when patient is lone and therapist can’t gain data about it. Ego doesn’t accept lacks and he is fighting with weakness. Ego’s fighting process creates some traces that they can help to therapist for take excellent general primary diagnosis. Ego’s fighting process about damaged mood, in fact is Ego’s teen orientation. One of other important features, it is that patient has restriction mind’s range about the damaged mood similar to occasion that traumatic event had occurred. Whenever patient utters anything that they were very strange, therapist shouldn’t ignore patient’s story because it has fact for patient.

When first kind of traumatic event occurs, Ego’s teen orientation creates general moods similar to; patient magnifies about his damaged ability’s performance, in patient dreams, performed damaged ability away from reality. When patient sees person in environment that he performs same ability that patient can’t perform it, patient exaggerate about this person and person for patient seems powerful man away from reality. Patient unconsciously experiences first feeling badly similar to traumatic event’s occurrence occasion and patient accepts any same inability easily. When second kind of traumatic event happens, Ego’s teen orientation creates general moods similar to; patient destroys the motivation of damaged need and he follows to ignore damaged need. Patient detests persons that they satisfy this need. Patient tries to discard satisfaction of damaged need in his dreams. Patient accepts any same failure easily and when he ends up same situation of need satisfaction, he unconsciously experiences second feelings badly similar to traumatic event’s occurrence occasion.

Treatment’s process gets more complex when there are several main traumatic events. Also in certain traumatic event’s occurrence it may create several damaged mood and sometimes one need has some different damaged moods that created by different traumatic events. Traumatic events can category like this:

• Main traumatic events.

• Main traumatic events originated from certain Main traumatic event.

• Sub-traumatic events originated from certain Main traumatic event.

• Main traumatic events originated from main traumatic events mixture.

• Sub-traumatic events originated from main traumatic events and Sub-traumatic events mixture that linked together.

• Main traumatic events originated from main traumatic events and Sub-traumatic events mixture that not linked together.

Categorized brief of laws that explained in two previous sections in this form, there are four laws in general psychology of treatment;

First law, multiplication first and second experienced feelings is constant per human’s need. Variation in one of feelings causes response from other feeling.

Second law, changing on constant value in feelings law causes Human’s beliefs and consequently Ego orientation. If this changing be smoothly, beliefs will be proper and they cause development but if this changing be sharp, beliefs become teen and there is Ego teen orientation.

Third law, when teen belief created, it get on unconscious mode forever and patient only gets on conscious mode as treated.

Fourth law, Ego can use first and second feelings that experienced independently about one need, under mind’s range about this need.


There are five laws that they will utilize in treatment’s process continuously.

First law (Ego reaction law)

If patient accepts own lack in certain damaged mood, for a few second after having certain damaged satisfaction, he will remind several events.

Second law

All of events that patient reminded them after applying Ego reaction law in certain damaged mood, involved in formation of traumatic event that it causes this certain damaged mood.

Third law

Any certain damaged mood has a specific and same-kind traumatic event. For example, person with aggression damaged mood has specific traumatic event that in it, person has aggressed to other case and second feeling’s teen beliefs created for person about utilizing physical abilities.

Forth law (Tree law)

Ego becomes on conscious mode about certain damaged mood’s beliefs related to certain traumatic event when tree of certain traumatic event completed.

Fifth law (Challenge law)

When damaged mood will be treated that challenge’s data inside second part of Rescuer stays on unconscious mode and Ego doesn’t think about challenge’s data.

Treatment’s process composed of four general steps.

Step one

When patient visits therapist, he expresses several his damaged moods that they are related to last Sub-traumatic events. Therapist can gather more data of patient’s mood from environment that patient involved it. With regarding to traces that expressed in section two therapist can take primary diagnostic of damaged need. Therapist also can pose indirect articles about damaged need generally and then he probes patient’s susceptibility until he’s going to better primary diagnostics. For instance person didn’t certain ability about defense himself against other persons. Therapist designs articles that in articles there is a story of assumptive person that he has same ability (defense of himself) and he achieves successes that this successes are away from reality and then therapist probes patient’s beliefs about designed articles to have better primary diagnostics. Rescuer composed of some data to enter patient in treatment’s process and it causes patient remembers traumatic events more easily. Rescuer data at first are general and with advance in treatment’s process, they are more detailed. Even if therapist had few primary data of patient moods, with Rescuer, he can more reach to disordered moods. Indeed primary diagnostic causes therapist designs Rescuer precisely and period of treatment’s process becomes shorter.

Rescuer can design simultaneously for several damaged moods and treatment’s process can perform for all of primary damaged moods simultaneously. Rescuer composed of two general kinds of data, at first kind of data, therapist expresses articles that they expand patient mind’s range of damaged need and if therapist hadn’t good primary diagnostic, this data will be general. For instance therapist understands patient has teen feelings and therapist doesn’t know this failure is related to what need. Therapist expresses general articles about failures and also he expresses reality about failures and he reduces pressures of having failures. First kind data of Rescuer enters patient in treatment’s processes because this data will reduce patient’s pressures that he involved with them in long time.

Because of feelings effect on Ego depend on mind’s range, with expansion of mind’s range, observed when patient receipts First kind data of Rescuer, he sometimes has undamaged moods and Ego orientation somewhat changed. Indeed patient has a great volume of data about damaged need but these data often affected by Ego’s teen orientation. In second kind of Rescuer data, therapist makes a challenge in patient for having healthy mood. Challenges data measured in basis of reality and they fit with patient talents and environmental situations thus therapist, himself shouldn’t have certain Ego’s teen orientation. For this reason, self-treating is longer. Patient will pay to designed challenges because he had same challenges in the past that they were not measured.

This kind of data at first are very general but in during treatment’s process they gets more detailed. Form of Rescuer data depends on kind of traumatic event. Mind’s range expansion of Ego for first kind of traumatic events reduces pressure of lacking capabilities while for second kind of traumatic event it reduces pressure of having failures. For challenges that are built for first kind of traumatic event, there are data in this form, said to patient its better he’s going to have certain ability while for second kind of traumatic event said to patient that its better he’s not going to utilize abilities that in it, secondary feelings would ignored. Note, when challenges data near to traumatic event more, patient will have reaction more and he more utilizes challenges in daily life. Note that Ego never will accept weakness about damaged satisfaction directly and therapist not must attack to patient’s weakness directly because in during Rescuer’s process exertion, patient will find importance of cooperation.

Step two

Rescuer prepares patient for exertion of Ego reaction law. Thus therapist requests patient that he applies Ego reaction law. Therapist says to patient when he had damaged satisfaction, for a few second after having damaged mood, he ignores defect of having damaged mood, in this time Patient reminds several events. The defect ignoring can’t more go on because Ego returns quickly to himself teen orientation similar to past.

Indeed when Ego accepts defects, Ego reminds some traumatic events until he attacks to defects and then he again returns on previous orientation mode.

There are two tools in order that patient better reminds events. First tool is, preparing resemble environment or in case of access the same environment for patient that in them, occurred for patient traumatic event and therapist demands patient that he uses of Ego reaction law in these environments. Second tool is, preparing motivation that patient with this motivation satisfies damaged need freely. For instance, demanded from gay case that he links with interested person and he be comfortable with him and he ignores faults and in this time he’s going to utilize Ego reaction law. Note that is possible some of reminded events not be traumatic events but these events surely have role in formation of specific beliefs. Also it may one of needs of patient have several damaged moods that they created by different traumatic events. Traumatic events might reminded sometimes in patient’s life time without applying Ego reaction law, but this reminding isn’t perfect and also there isn’t specific method for use of them.

Step three

In this step therapist must find certain traumatic event related to certain damaged mood. For this target, therapist should use of second and third laws. Step three depend on number of traumatic events can be more complex. For one certain damaged mood exists one or more traumatic event that in step two, reminded by patient. According second law all of reminded traumatic events have role in formation of certain damaged mood and according third law, there is a specific and same-kind traumatic event with certain damaged mood. Therapist can make a table and he writes in it all of traumatic events related to any damaged mood. Also note, for beliefs that they have role in specific teen belief ’s formation, there is implicit relation between these beliefs that it helps to complete tree of specific teen belief. Seems this step finished but some of traumatic event’s beliefs don’t remind easily.

Step four

When several traumatic events have role in formation of certain damaged mood, indeed beliefs of these traumatic events (generating traumatic event) have role in formation of certain traumatic event’s belief related to certain damaged mood. Relation between beliefs of several traumatic events that creates belief of certain traumatic event called tree of certain traumatic event. According to fourth law, traumatic event’s tree completion means patient reminded all of failure beliefs. In three step, completed some of traumatic event’s tree but traumatic event’s tree in two general form will not be completed, 1th when the specific traumatic event related to certain damaged mood still didn’t remind that it is obvious. 2th, when one of traumatic events that it has role in specific traumatic event’s formation still didn’t remind that it is more complicated.

When tree of certain traumatic event get accomplished, Ego will conscious about certain damaged mood’s beliefs and indeed he reminds wrong conclusion completely and therapist exchanges this wrong conclusions with challenges data in Rescuer and challenges stay on unconscious mode. According fifth law if challenges didn’t stay on unconscious mode and patient still has challenges, it means tree of specific traumatic event has not completed. In this situation for reminding all of generating traumatic events beliefs, therapist can focus Rescuers data on the generating traumatic events and patient can apply Ego reaction law for several times and also he utilizes tools that mentioned in step two. Observed with past of time finally patient reminds desired traumatic events beliefs.

During treatment’s process, some of damaged moods will appear that they hasn’t been at first and therapist can run treatment’s process about them, although Rescuer data require light changings for them too. Note, if one event still is remembered by patient, it does not mean that treatment’s process not completed and having challenges appoint to fulfillment of damaged mood’s treatment. One traumatic event reminded until it is generating traumatic event for damaged moods that still didn’t treat. Usually, tree of primary main traumatic events early completed and called there are one-branch trees and for the next traumatic events, there are multi-branch trees. With treatment of damaged mood, all of affected moods get treated in unconscious mode except moods with independent traumatic event. With treating of damaged moods, observed noticeable changings in nervous system of patient and he feels comfort in his brain and muscles.


For model gets more clear and also more explanation we take examples very briefly but because of Ego orientation law we haven’t posit that these examples are perfect. Example, Patient visits therapist and he expresses some of his damaged moods such as having stress and aggression. Therapist demands patient to know at what occasion he has damaged mood. Patient says when he encounters with powerful persons and also he says I think, I haven’t good relation with other persons. Therapist poses several indirect questions for better primary diagnostic. Therapist realizes patient has Ego’s teen orientation about sex need and physical abilities. Therapist designs Rescuer, first kind of Rescuer data, therapist says to patient that physical abilities can help you for some situation not all of situations and sometimes powerful person in environment are indecent and contention with them, happens occasionally and powerful persons fears of government rules.

Therapist also says to patient indirectly that he can have sex for instance, said to patient it is important that you have girlfriend and so on. Second kind of Rescuer data, it is better as the other weak persons have respect for you, you also can have respect to powerful persons and it isn’t reasonable that you involved with powerful persons without any reasons. Also matter having a limit sex satisfaction appropriate social customs. Because of patient’s mind involved both kinds of data he doesn’t realize relative contradiction.

Later several weeks, patient’s stresses somewhat reduced and expanded mind’s range of patient about damaged mood also he has measured challenges and better Ego’s teen orientation. Thus therapist enters in step two and he says to patient that he is going to exert Ego reaction law. Later applying Ego reaction law about this mood that patient get involved with powerful persons in environment, patient reminds two events, 1. Patient reminds when attended in classroom at 13 age, he ignored his teacher’s warning and punished severely however this warning have been obvious and his classmates have adhered (subtraumatic event 1). 2. Patient reminds had done the particular behavior and attacked by powerful person at age 5 (main traumatic event 1). Patient doesn’t utter more details of 2th event and therapist enters in step three and he considers 2th event as main traumatic event and 1th event as sub-traumatic event that originated from 2th event. Thus Therapist has a one-branch tree that completed and therapist enters in step four and he evaluates formed beliefs. According to forth law by completing tree of traumatic event patient comes on conscious mode.

When 2th even have happened, the powerful person attacked to patient extremely and patient faced with first kind of traumatic event about distraction of himself and he believes when faced with powerful persons, he will do behavior that person will attack him. Therapist demands patient that he finds the reasons of powerful person’s attack and he considers challenges data of Rescuer and also therapist says to patient that there isn’t reason for repeating again so behavior. Although therapist hasn’t details data from 2th event but patient treated about get involved with powerful persons. With stress reduction of this traumatic event and also restoration of first feeling experiences, opinions of patient changed about therapist and he cooperates with therapist perfectly. Patient explain 2th event, when he had age 5, the other child in his environment, proposed sex to patient and while patient hadn’t data of sex need, he accepts child proposal and when he had done sex with unlearning mood, powerful man comes and he attacks to patient and he didn’t attack to other child. For aggression mood patient reminds two events, 1th event is powerful person’s attack that mentioned. 2th patient reminds when he plays with his friend in age 9 he attacked to his friend and scolded by persons that they were present on that situation (sub-traumatic event 2). Because of teen beliefs in main traumatic event 1, patient bothers other persons and he targeted by powerful persons. Thus patient finds second kind of traumatic events and he accepts easily new failure. Treatment’s process is easy similar to first damaged mood that mentioned.

Patient expresses two damaged moods too. Patient has solo sex mood (3) and at any time that he sees a corpse, he represses himself for having sex (4). For mood (3) patient reminds three events, 1th is same with main traumatic event 1 and 2th event is in this form, patient saw that the person was performing solo sex. 3th patient reminds he is being solo sex satisfaction and has seen and condemned by other person (main traumatic event 2). The specific event related to solo sex mood is 3th event. Tree for mood (3) is this form: when occurred main traumatic event 1, powerful person says to patient that patient is person that he performs sex and he is rejected man and patient believes this charges about second feeling failure. In later when patient end up with 2th event, he learns a kind of sex satisfaction and it causes patient performs 3th event. Finally in 3th event, patient believes that he has solo sex satisfaction. 2th event isn’t traumatic event but it is generating event. Treating mood (3) also performs easily. However patient has some others damaged moods about solo sex that they are mediocre and main generating event for them, is main traumatic event 2.

For mood (4) patient reminds four events, 1th is same with main traumatic event 1 and 2th event is same with main traumatic event 2 and 3th event is in this form that patient faced with a corpse at occasion of life time and some of people at this place said to patient that if he looks at the corpse, he nears to hades world but he looked at corpse and he believed people statements because of teen beliefs in traumatic event 1. In 4th event, patient in his grandmother funeral looks at the corpse and he repressed himself because of having solo sex (first kind of traumatic event that in it ignored sex need). Tree completed and specific event for mood (4) is 4th event. Beliefs Formation is this form, patient uses of beliefs in main traumatic event 1 that he is rejected man and he believed about people statement in 3th event. In main traumatic event 2, patient has belief that he performs solo sex and he has failure beliefs of second felling about sex need therefor patient in event 4th with looking corpse repressed himself because having solo sex. With advance in treatment’s process, in main traumatic event 1 occurs other general teen beliefs such as, patient has a belief that he defrauded by child in main traumatic event 1 and in later he cheated by others in sex need easily.

Finally observed that main traumatic event 1, created 4 teen beliefs; 1. Patient is rejected man and people have detest sense than him. 2. Patient turn to enemy of god and friend of Satan that he bothers weakly persons. 3. Patient in presence of powerful persons, does so behavior until powerful person attacks him. 4. Patient defrauded by others in situation of sex need satisfaction easily.

This patient has nearly 15 main traumatic events and 40 subtraumatic events that the tree completion of them have been sometimes complicated but with exertion all of five laws could treat all of damaged moods. For example, patient has a mood that in it, patient can’t represent his different talents.

Later Ego reaction for this mood patient reminded these events, 1th is same with main traumatic event 1. In 2th event, patient doesn’t attend in food meal when his parents were eating delicious food and he expected that invited by parents, due to 1th event and it didn’t occur. In 3th event patient reminds that he demands of two kinsfolk’s adults to help him but adults attacked him and he didn’t escape and didn’t defend from himself because of belief about attacked by power person in main event 1. Form of belief ’s effect of main traumatic event 1 is different with previous moods and it created another main traumatic event. In 4th event patient reminds, is rejected by some of friends. As you can see because of main traumatic event 1, patient accept any lack easily.

According to third law, patient still didn’t remind specific event related to desired damaged mood. Data of Rescuer focused by therapist in all of 4 recent events and therapist demands patient is going to utilize Ego reaction law several times. Finally patient reminds specific event in this form (5th event), in certain day, patient plays football goodly in presence of a coach and patient tomorrow returns to play football but he sees that there are extra persons for playing football and patient shows himself from remote distance and coach doesn’t select him for playing football. Tree completed in this form, in 2th event, patient believes to be rejected person and in 3th event patient believes that persons attacked him and in 4th event it reinforced being of rejected person. Thus in 5th event, patient couldn’t pose himself encounter with coach and he believes, he couldn’t pose him for having first kind of feelings and he got first kind of traumatic event. With tree completion of specific traumatic event, patient gets on consciousness and he exchanged himself beliefs by challenges data in Rescuer and challenges data stays on unconscious mode.

According to mood theory, beliefs that formed in childhood are very important and in juvenile time that human encounters with his needs seriously, childhood beliefs more emerges. One kind of traumatic event’s formation in childhood is resemble to magic. In the general structure, child in certain occasion condemned by others and are gave to him a great lacks. For example child later sex process, condemned extremely by others and said to child that he is much rejected human and he has neared to abnormal creatures. Then for patient defined specific factor that it can fight to this abnormal creatures. Child depends on this specific factor severely. This process with regarding to that feelings effect on Ego by mind can get more dangerous because there is limited mind’s range. With creating other traumatic event in child that inside this event, child fights to others and he injures them, originated for child other failure beliefs of secondary feeling. Consequently in future and young time, he can kill humans for the specific factor easily. Explanation for general design of Rescuer data; there are in the universe a very high capabilities and humans even though unlimited tiny but they have similar abilities, for this reason, human comprehend universe abilities and beside there is second kind of feelings in human.

Relation between second feelings and universe abilities is underlie magic’s formation and it causes child finds beliefs about abnormal creatures. On the other hand there is a sharply vary in balance between two kind of feelings in the certain need that it keeps the damaged mood for patient and in our example is sex need. Consequently, data of Rescuer can be this general and brief form, in first kind of Rescuer data, for expansion mind’s range, said to patient that he looks at the universe and he observes god abilities and he compares resemblance with himself abilities, thus god isn’t opposite to certain need (that patient has failure beliefs about it). In second kind of Rescuer data, gave to patient real and measured challenges that different to patient’s previous extremely challenges. With this Rescuer, attacked to base of magic and patient can be treated.

With good design of Rescuer could treat one of difficult magic in human’s history. Therefor design of some Rescuers isn’t easy.


There are four laws in general psychology of treatment to recognize forming and expanding mental diseases.

It should prevent huge changing in having abilities and reaction to second feelings in childhood because there is a balance between first and second kind of feelings and sharply changings on this balance create traumatic event.

With expansion in mind’s ranges about damaged moods, it can provide a path for Ego to use feelings that they experience independently until it can prevent destructive effects of traumatic events.

There are five laws in treatment method to treat mental patient in wide range. At first with Rescuers, patient enters to treatment’s process then by applying Ego reaction law, patient will remind traumatic events related to certain damaged mood. In continuation specified certain traumatic event related to any certain damaged mood by use of second and third laws of treatment method. Finally by removing Ego’s teen beliefs, patient will be treated. Challenge law checks elimination of teen beliefs. If teen beliefs didn’t remove it should try to complete tree of certain traumatic event. For completing trees, modify data between generating traumatic events and apply Ego reaction law multiple and also in presence of desired motivation and environment that specific traumatic event occurs there.


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Citation: Saied H (2016) Expression the New Model of Psychology and the Perfect Treatment for Disordered Moods. J Psychol Psychother 6: 246.

Copyright: © 2016 Saied H. This is an open-access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original author and source are credited.