Journal of Information Technology & Software Engineering

Journal of Information Technology & Software Engineering
Open Access

ISSN: 2165- 7866

Perspective - (2023)Volume 13, Issue 4

Evolution of a Computer Dynamic Program for Structural Analysis with an Object-Oriented Framework

Olivier Ivan*
*Correspondence: Olivier Ivan, Department of Computer Science, Oxford Brookes University, Oxford, United Kingdom, Email:

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The Object-Oriented Programming model (OOP) for computer programming organizes software architecture around data or objects rather than around functions and logic. A data field with specific characteristics and behavior is called an object. The strategy is advantageous in collaborative development, when projects are divided into groups because of the organization of object-oriented software. The benefits of efficiency, scalability, and reusing code are also provided by OOP. Numerous programming languages have been created using OOP's fundamental ideas because of the many advantages it offers. The OOP-compliant programming languages are Java, Python, and C ++. Object-oriented deprogramming has been crucial in the development of OOP languages like Python, Ruby, and PHP, as well as online development, which is unrelated to the creation of mobile applications. Programmers who use OOPs in their code have more reusable and readable code. OOPs use objects in programming. Numerous principles are applicable to OOP, like polymorphism, inheritance, and encapsulation. As the class can be instantiated once a call has been created and may be used anywhere in the application, it offers a superior programming style. The primary goal of OOP is to bind together the data and the functions that use them such that only that function and no other section of the code may access the data.

One of the most fundamental and significant aspects of objectoriented programming is data abstraction. Data abstraction is the process of just revealing to the outside world the information that is absolutely necessary while obscuring implementation or background information. Consider a man driving a car in the real world as an illustration. The man doesn't understand how pressing the accelerator will increase speed; all he knows is that doing so will cause the automobile to go more quickly or, conversely. He also has no idea how the accelerator, brakes, etc. are used in the car or how they are implemented in the inner workings of the vehicle.

However, OOP has its own set of disadvantages in a Java development environment, just like any other programming paradigm. There are also more sophisticated designs, a steeper learning curve, significant performance overhead, memory usage, and decreased execution efficiency. Java programmers and project managers must evaluate the needs of software projects to decide whether an object-oriented Java approach is best or whether another programming paradigm makes more sense. Developers have attacked the object-oriented programming model for a variety of reasons. The main issue is that OOP places too much emphasis on the data aspect of software development and not enough on computation or algorithms. OOP code could also be more difficult to write and take longer to compile. The concept of inheritance is one of two key concepts offered by object-oriented programming. The same class attributes do not need to be written repeatedly to inheritance.

The code section can now be used as many times as necessary in the program to the introduction of the idea of classes. When using the inheritance method, a child class inherits the fields and methods of the parent class. The parent class's available methods and values can be readily altered. By extending the class, one class's features can be passed on to another class through inheritance. As a result, multilevel inheritance and code reuse are both made possible through inheritance.

A paradigm of programming known as object-oriented programming, or OOP, centers projects' composition and organization around objects rather than capabilities or logic. Here, objects are defined as information handles with intriguing characteristics and behavior. They include both tactics and information as qualities and strategies. Object strategies can access and modify the data contained in an item. This programming language has both benefits and drawbacks, just like all other computer languages. We should investigate the principles of object-oriented programming, as well as its advantages and the drawbacks, as it is a very absorbing and important topic. Compared to other programs, Object-Oriented programs are substantially bigger. Space on hard drives, floppy drives, and in memory was scarce in the early days of computers. Today, these limitations do longer exist. The development of object-oriented programs is labor-intensive. In particular, objectoriented software undergoes extensive planning before even a single line of code is produced. Many people at first thought that this initial endeavor was a waste of time. Additionally, programmers took longer to write the programs since they were larger. Programs built using this method could end up being larger than those written using the procedure-oriented programming method. This method involves extensive pre-work and planning while creating software.

Author Info

Olivier Ivan*
Department of Computer Science, Oxford Brookes University, Oxford, United Kingdom

Citation: Ivan O (2023) Evolution of a Computer Dynamic Program for Structural Analysis with an Object-Oriented Framework. J Inform Tech Softw Eng. 13:342

Received: 19-Jun-2023, Manuscript No. JITSE-23-26188; Editor assigned: 22-Jun-2023, Pre QC No. JITSE-23-26188 (PQ); Reviewed: 06-Jul-2023, QC No. JITSE-23-26188; Revised: 13-Jul-2023, Manuscript No. JITSE-23-26188 (R); Published: 20-Jul-2023 , DOI: 10.35248/2165-7866.23.13.342

Copyright: © 2023 Ivan O. This is an open-access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original author and source are credited
