Immunome Research

Immunome Research
Open Access

ISSN: 1745-7580


Immunome Research : Citations & Metrics Report

Articles published in Immunome Research have been cited by esteemed scholars and scientists all around the world. Immunome Research has got h-index 15, which means every article in Immunome Research has got 15 average citations.

Following are the list of articles that have cited the articles published in Immunome Research.

  2021 2020 2019 2018

Year wise published articles

40 13 7 20

Year wise citations received

111 109 84 74
Journal total citations count 817
Journal impact factor 9.00
Journal 5 years impact factor 10.13
Journal cite score 13.75
Journal h-index 15
Journal h-index since 2019 13
Important citations (1540)

Shima h, nishitani m, tashiro m, inoue t, kawahara k, okada k, minakuchi j, kawashima s. pulmonary sarcoidosis as a cause of intermittent fever of unknown origin in a hemodialysis patient with renal cell carcinoma: a case report and literature review. hemodialysis international. 2019 apr;23(2):e53-8.

Jafari d, mousavi mj, keshavarz shahbaz s, jafarzadeh l, tahmasebi s, spoor j, esmaeilzadeh a. e3 ubiquitin ligase casitas b lineage lymphoma?b and its potential therapeutic implications for immunotherapy. clinical & experimental immunology. 2021 apr;204(1):14-31.

Gupta p, shetty h. research & reviews: journal of pharmaceutics and nanotechnology.

Jafari d, mousavi mj, keshavarz shahbaz s, jafarzadeh l, tahmasebi s, spoor j, esmaeilzadeh a. e3 ubiquitin ligase casitas b lineage lymphoma?b and its potential therapeutic implications for immunotherapy. clinical & experimental immunology. 2021 apr;204(1):14-31.

Gupta p, shetty h. research & reviews: journal of pharmaceutics and nanotechnology.

Hasan m, huan j, chen jy, zaki m. 10th international workshop on data mining in bioinformatics (biokdd 2011).

Yousef am, imam me, mahmmoud aa, alrifai aw. predictors of asthmatic children's quality of life in damietta governorate, egypt. ijma. 1818 oct;3(4).

Gupta m, ray s. sequence pattern discovery with applications to understanding gene regulation and vaccine design. inhandbook of statistics 2012 jan 1 (vol. 28, pp. 273-307). elsevier.

Li xl, wang sl, hou ml. specificity of transporter associated with antigen processing protein as revealed by feature selection method. protein and peptide letters. 2010 sep 1;17(9):1129-35.

Elnady hg, sherif ls, sabry rn, zeid da, atta h, hassanain ai, fouad wa, rabah t, gobarah aa. relation of asthma control with quality of life among a sample of egyptian asthmatic school children. open access macedonian journal of medical sciences. 2019 sep 15;7(17):2780.

Lam hc, sreevatsan s, boley d. analyzing influenza virus sequences using binary encoding approach. scientific programming. 2012 jan 1;20(1):3-13.

Saidemberg dm, baptista-saidemberg nb, palma ms. chemometric analysis of hymenoptera toxins and defensins: a model for predicting the biological activity of novel peptides from venoms and hemolymph. peptides. 2011 sep 1;32(9):1924-33.

Golbaz hagh a. isolation and characterisation of antibodies against human and canine epha2_ targets for comparative studies in brain cancer.

Sales ap, tomaras gd, kepler tb. improving peptide-mhc class i binding prediction for unbalanced datasets. bmc bioinformatics. 2008 dec;9(1):1-2.

Gupta s, singh r. hydrolyzing proficiency of keratinases in feather degradation. indian journal of microbiology. 2014 dec;54(4):466-70.

Elhag m, abdelhameed ta, saadaldin mm, abdelmoneim ah, taha ts, mohammed ia, hassan ma. immunoinformatics prediction of epitope based peptide vaccine against clostridium perfringens fructose bisphosphate aldolase protein. immunome research. 2021;17(1):1-3.

Mäkelä tk. risk classification of hla-dqx. 5 allele in celiac disease hla genotyping test.

Lerner a, kushak ri, jeremias p, matthias t, winter hs. anti enterocyte autoantibodies in pediatric celiac disease. j clin cell immunol. 2016;7(447):2.

Hoque sf, bappy mn, chowdhury at, parvez ms, ahmed f, imran ma, azim kf, hasan m. scrutinizing surface glycoproteins and poxin-schlafen protein to design a heterologous recombinant vaccine against monkeypox virus. biorxiv. 2020 jan 1.

Pourmohammadi k, abedi e. enzymatic modifications of gluten protein: oxidative enzymes. food chemistry. 2021 mar 26;356:129679-.
