
Mohamed Lotfy Elsaie
Department of Dermatology and Cutaneous Surgery
University of Miami Miller School of Medicine, USA
Dr. Mohamed Lotfy Elsaie, is an Expert in the field of Dermatology , cosmetic surgery and an author of more than 60 publications, 20 world class book chapters ( including but not only the dermatology best selling books (Fitzpatrick′s Dermatology in General Medicine) and ( cosmetic dermatology ; principles and practice) Served as a principal and coinvestigator of more than 45 published researches. Accredited as a Whos Who in America and the world and in international high impact periodicals. Dr. Elsaie is an Awardee of the prestigious Egyptian state prize in medicine 2011 as the youngest ever awardee of this reputable Prize. He was awarded the ribbon of excellence from the Egyptian government in 2011 for his outstanding achievements. Dr. Mohamed Elsaie is the first Egyptian author of an internationally published text book in the field of Dermatology and cosmetic surgery named " Synopsis of Aesthetic Dermatology and cosmetic surgery " Published in the USA in 2012 and he is an awardee of the American Acamdey of Dermatology silver award for voluntary services. He is currently an instructor and lecturer of dermatology and venereology athe National Research Centre in Egypt and affiliated as a voluntary instructor of Dermatology and Cutaneosus surgery at the university of Miami Miller; USA. As a member of the editorial board of more than 20 International Dermatology periodical journals, periodicals and societies he is involved with setting policies for dermatology organisations worldwide.
Research Interest
Dermatology &Venereology, Cutaneous surgery, cutaneous oncology, surgery and lasers.

Xiaowei Xu
Professor of Pathology and Dermatology, Dept. of Pathology and Laboratory Medicine
University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, USA
Xiaowei Xu, MD, PhD, is Professor of Pathology and Dermatology at the University of Pennsylvaniaï¼Ã…Â’Philadelphia, USA. Dr. Xu received his medical degree from Fudan University, Shanghai, China in 1992 and graduate degree from Wake Forest University, Winston-Salem, North Caroline 1996. He received his Anatomic and Clinical pathology residency training at the University of Pennsylvania and Dermatopathology fellowship training at Harvard. He did his post-doctoral research training at the laboratories of Drs. William Sonntag at the Wake Forest University and George Cotsarelis at the University of Pennsylvania. He is board certified in Anatomic Pathology, Clinical Pathology and Dermatopathology. He joined the faculty at the University of Pennsylvania and served as an attending physician specialized in dermatopathology at the Hospital of University of Pennsylvania in 2002. He is the Associate Editor of Lever's Histopathology of Skin, one of the most widely used textbooks in Dermatopathology. He is on the editorial board of 6 medical journals and reviewers for many journals. He is a reviewer for NIH study sections and many foundations. His NIH funded laboratory focuses on hair follicle, melanocyte and melanoma biology. He has been involved in multiple clinical trials, including two landmark trials discovering the use of vemurafenib and imatinib in melanoma patients. He has published over 160 peer reviewed manuscripts in journals such as Nature, Nature Communications, Cancer Cell, Molecular Cell, Developmental Cell, Science Signaling, Journal of Clinical Oncology, Journal of Clinical Investigation, Immunity and PNAS etc. News about his research appeared on Yahoo front page, CBS and NBC news as well as many other news outlets. His work has been cited by his peer researchers for over 11408 times and his h-index is 49. He holds multiple patents in the area of hair follicle, melanocyte and melanoma research. He has trained hundreds of pathology residents and fellows and many of his trainees are practicing pathologists and dermatopathologists in the states and other countries.
Research Interest
Stem cells, Skin, Melanoma, Dermatopathology, Surgical Pathology

Iaisha Ali
Dermatology Department
Hammersmith and Charing Cross Hospitals, UK
Dr Ali is a consultant dermatologist at Imperial College Healthcare Trust, London, UK. She practices at the Charing Cross and Hammersmith hospitals in west London. She completed her dermatology residency at Oxford, UK where she was also a Research Fellow. She has been involved in clinical and laboratory research investigating hormonal and genetic factors affecting hair growth in women. She was awarded an MSc by the University of Oxford for her research work in 2008. She has numerous publications and has presented her scientific work at national and international meetings. Dr. Ali has a continued involvement in hair research, particularly in the role of endocrine factors and genetics in hair disorders. She is the Clinical Lead for the British Hair and Nail group.
Research Interest
Dr. Ali has interest in hair research, particularly in the role of endocrine factors and genetics in hair disorders.