Fisheries and Aquaculture Journal

Fisheries and Aquaculture Journal
Open Access

ISSN: 2150-3508

Fisheries and Aquaculture Journal : Citations & Metrics Report

Articles published in Fisheries and Aquaculture Journal have been cited by esteemed scholars and scientists all around the world. Fisheries and Aquaculture Journal has got h-index 20, which means every article in Fisheries and Aquaculture Journal has got 20 average citations.

Following are the list of articles that have cited the articles published in Fisheries and Aquaculture Journal.

  2021 2020 2019 2018

Year wise published articles

57 10 13 23

Year wise citations received

403 345 262 215
Journal total citations count 1937
Journal impact factor 8.33
Journal 5 years impact factor 8.09
Journal cite score 8.86
Journal h-index 20
Journal h-index since 2018 18
Important citations (2435)

lingam ss, sawant pb, chadha nk, prasad kp, muralidhar ap, syamala k, xavier km. duration of stunting impacts compensatory growth and carcass quality of farmed milkfish, chanos chanos (forsskal, 1775) under field conditions. scientific reports. 2019 nov 14;9(1):1-1.

hakim da. pengaruh perendaman bandeng presto dengan madu terhadap nilai organoleptik dan jumlah total bakteri pada penyimpanan suhu ruang (doctoral dissertation, universitas airlangga).

hamed ss, jiddawi ns, bwathondi po. effect of salinity levels on growth, feed utilization, body composition and digestive enzymes activities of juvenile silver pompano trachinotus blochii. international journal of fisheries and aquatic studies. 2016;4(6):279-84.

lingam ss, sawant pb, chadha nk, pani prasad k, muralidhar a, syamala k, xavier m. effect of stunting on carcass quality characteristics of milkfish, chanos chanos (forsskal, 1775), reared under pond conditions. aquaculture research. 2018 nov;49(11):3491-7.

nikhlani a, sukarti k. development of enzyme digestive activity of blue crab portunus pelagicus larvae. jurnal ilmu dan teknologi kelautan tropis. 2018 jan 2;9(2):443-52.

nugraheni di, fahrudin a. variability of carapace width size and abundance of blue swimming crabs (portunus pelagicus linnaeus) in pati waters. jurnal ilmu dan teknologi kelautan tropis. 2015;7(2).

nikhlani a, sukarti k. perkembangan aktivitas enzim pencernaan larva rajungan portunus pelagicus development of enzyme digestive activity of blue crab portunus pelagicus larvae.

nikhlani a, sukarti k. perkembangan aktivitas enzim pencernaan larva rajungan portunus pelagicus. jurnal ilmu dan teknologi kelautan tropis. 2017 dec 2;9(2):443-52.

noor ns. Đ copyright upm.

ikhwanuddin m, ahmad-fadzil ns, mohamad s, abol-munafi ab. research article growth and survival of blue swimming crab, portunus pelagicus larvae at different photo period and light intensity.

delta dr. СЕЗОННА ДИНАМІКА ЗАРАЖЕННЯ ХИЖИХ ВИДІВ РИБ НЕМАТОДАМИ eustrongylides excisus jägerskiöld, 1909 (nematoda: dioctophymatidae) У ДНІПРО-БУЗЬКОМУ ЛИМАНІ ТА ДЕЛЬТІ ДНІПРА. animal biology. 2017;19(4).

altinterÄ°m b, önder ak, mehmet Åže. sağım dönemi̇nde alabalıklarin trout (oncorhynchus mykiss) kan parametreleri̇ni̇n araÅŸtırılmsı. international journal of veterinary and animal research (ijvar) e-issn: 2651-3609. 2018;1(3):13-5.


ismail r, alhamdani a. effect of probiotic (poultrystar®) and heat stress on some blood parameters in common carp (cyprinus carpio l.). iraqi journal of veterinary sciences. 2019 sep 1;33(2):221-5.

bui ht, luu tq, fotedar r. effects of enriching nitrogen and phosphorus on the growth of sargassum podacanthum cultured in potassium-fortified inland saline water.

pathak ms, lakra ws, reddy ak, chadha nk, tiwari vk, srivastava pp. growth and survival of silver pompano trachinotus blochii (lacepede, 1801) at different salinities in inland saline ground water. indian journal of animal sciences. 2019 jan 1;89(5):581-7.

bui ht, luu tq, fotedar r. the growth feasibility of lomentaria sp. laboratory conditions. environ risk assess remediat. 2017; 1 (2): 47-55 gracilaria cornea.:15-25.

maoxiao p, xiaojun l, donghong n, bo y, tianyi l, zhiguo d, jiale l. survival, growth and physiology of marine bivalve (sinonovacula constricta) in long-term low-salt culture. scientific reports. 2019 feb 26;9(1):2819.

aklakur m. nutritional intervention for sustainable production in inland saline aquaculture a budding perspective in india. j aquac mar biol. 2017;6(6):00172.

saoud ip. ensuring food security by improving “freshwater use efficiency” or by farming the seas. inwater, energy & food sustainability in the middle east 2017 (pp. 341-360). springer, cham.
