Endocrinology & Metabolic Syndrome

Endocrinology & Metabolic Syndrome
Open Access

ISSN: 2161-1017

+44 1478 350008

Rajib Bhattacharya

Rajib Bhattacharya

Rajib Bhattacharya
Department of Endocrinology, Metabolism and Genetics
University of Kansas Medical Center, Kansas City, USA


Serving as a Physician Researcher for clinical research trials for Early Developmental Services US.Dr Bhattacharya’s primary role is overseeing study conduct and guiding procedural study management in adherence of study protocol and GCP guidelines. Other responsibilities include involvement in budgetary planning, investigational protocol development, interaction with Institutional Review Boards and study specific history/physical examinations, assessment of subject qualifications for entry into studies including adherence of inclusion/exclusion criteria, interpretation of medical procedures (e.g. ECGs, PFTs, radiographs, clinical laboratory tests, Skin prick testing, RAST, etc.) and any other pre-dose requirement.Standard and expected activities include presence at initial dosing, and any adverse event or SAE follow-up subject care, evaluation and management.Contact with sponsor’s medical directors concerning study drug development history, study goals, management and outcome.Participation in training and education of personnel as it applies to study-specific medical and safety procedures in addition to ongoing applicable GCP education. Attendance at Investigator meetings or sight visits, medical review of research proposals, protocol development, medical writing of phase I/II protocols, strategic development participation, and interaction in client relationships.

Research Interest

Osteoporosis, Vitamin D deficiency, Diabetes and other endocrine conditions.
