Journal of Pharmaceutical Care & Health Systems

Journal of Pharmaceutical Care & Health Systems
Open Access

ISSN: 2376-0419

+44 1300 500008

Mohamed Ahmed A. Moustafa

Mohamed Ahmed A. Moustafa

Mohamed Ahmed A. Moustafa
Professor, Department of Pharmaceutical Chemistry
King Abdulaziz University, Saudi Arabia


I was born in an Maadi near Cairo, and my permanent position is Professor of medicinal chemistry at the Faculty of Pharmacy- Mansoura University, Egypt. I got a second job opportunity at the department of Pharmaceutical Chemistry in the Faculty of Pharmacy at King Abdulaziz University in Saudi Arabia since October 2011, after spending years from 2002 to 2009 at which I shared in the implementation of the Pharm D program. I have been nominated as Chairman of the department at the academic year 2013-2014. Moreover, I act chairman of the quality and academic accreditation unit of the Faculty since the end of 2011 quality implementation and preparing for national and international accreditation. At the time period Sept 1997 to Oct 2002, I spent very fruitful time as the vice dean for student and educational affairs at Mansoura Faculty of Pharmacy at which I have did many achievements in the development of education processes and student services. In the years 1992-1997, I have worked in Faculty of Pharmacy at Arab Medical University in Benghazi, Libya, and I shared in the establishment of the study plan design of the Pharmacy Program. I was awarded the title of full professor in Nov 1993. My PhD degree was awarded from the department of Chimie Therapeutique at the Faculty of Pharmacy, Catholic University of Louvain through a grant from the Belgian government. During my PhD studies I have conducted interesting research on phenytoin metabolism and get accounted with and mastered many research techniques. After awarding my Bachelor degree in Pharmaceutical Science in 1973 from Cairo university I have worked as demonstrator in the Faculty of Pharmacy at Mansoura University and prepared a master degree in pharmaceutical Chemistry. I have published more than 60 papers and supervised several master and PhD theses. I like chemistry as our life is controlled via chemical reactions. I like watching football of distinguished teams all over the world. Something I believe in is “the joy of living is the joy of giving”.
